¡Que Rico!

Casa Amigos Bar & Grill, 3638 US Hwy 64 in Sapphire, is a quick ticket to fun and fine dining. For reservations or quick questions or take-out,

New Chapter at CLE

Meg Stevens takes the reins of the Center for Life Enrichment, bringing enthusiasm and a genuine love for the Plateau.

Winter Wonderland

The Village Green and surrounding shops and businesses in Cashiers will be a Glittering Wonderland throughout the grey days and dark, dark nights


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A Welcomed Addition | Turtlehead

Chelone is a genus of four species and has several nicknames beside Turtlehead. She has also been known as Balmony, Bitter Herb, Fish Mouth, Snakehead and more, but enough of the name calling.  Rumor has it, name calling is what caused her to have a name at all.  Waaaayyyy back in the day, during the other world known as the …

Trees’ Time to Winterize | Highlands Biological Station

From the Smokies to Satulah, autumn is coming, and the Highlands Biological Foundation is gearing up for our next virtual program where we’ll explore why the greenery draping across our mountains will soon change in a wave of brilliant color. What we enjoy as a spectacular display is actually a tree winterizing itself. Rather than risk frozen, damaged leaves or …

Shadow of the Bear | Whiteside Mountain

This month brings a quiet frenzy among the creatures of the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau.  Foxes extend their territory to get a little fatter before the onset of winter. Squirrels get even squirrel-ier as they cache away the mast crop. And the little brown bats that shadow our evening skies put on an even more dynamic aerobatic show as they gorge on …

Eastern Phoebe | Highlands Plateau Audubon Society

A member of the flycatcher family, this songbird is about the size of a Titmouse, with a dark head, white breast and belly, and dark gray-brown wings. The Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) calls its name in a raspy voice. Compared to the slower, two-part call of the Chickadee, this “fee-bee” is fast, scratchy and less flute-like.  Phoebes are a largely migratory …

The Beauty of Fall on the Highlands Cashiers Plateau

Our four seasons give life a slow rhythm. In forest, mountain and field there is an annual cycle of renewal in the upstart spring, glory in the summer flower, spectacular autumn colors and total winter whiteouts. The slow pace is part of the beauty of this yearly procession. October brings the full blush of fall. Our attention is summoned by …

October Fishing on the Highlands Cashiers Plateau

Anglers in Western North Carolina look forward to the month of October like a kid counts the days until Christmas.  October provides some of the best conditions for trout fishing that anyone could ask for. The temperature of the air will cool down and so will the water temp in midday. This will mean more active trout in the rivers …

A Turtle’s Life on the Highlands Cashiers Plateau

There are several species of turtles that make the Plateau their home, the most common are Snapping and Box Turtles. Other species include Painted Turtles that are found in a few local areas, and Bog Turtles that are rare and federally threatened, said Kyle Pursel, Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust Stewardship Coordinator. “The rivers off the Plateau have other turtle species, but …

Angel Food Cake Day | Cashiers Historical Society

Cashiers Historical Society invites everyone to join them in celebrating National Angel Food Cake Day on October 10 from 11:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. at the pavilion on the grounds of the historic Zachary-Tolbert House. Who doesn’t love to enjoy a holiday celebrating cake? National Angel Food Cake Day celebrates the delicious, light and fluffy cake and is celebrated annually …

Kinnebrew’s Ballads | Orchard Sessions

On November 5, Singer-Songwriter Mike Kinnebrew will return to The Farm at Old Edwards to perform at the Orchard Sessions.   Kinnebrew grew up in Atlanta in the 1980s.  By his late teens, he knew his future was not academics, and that music was something he could call his own.  He started playing in joints around Buckhead,  covering the tunes …

Learn More Do Better | The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center

Organizers say that the program will enable participants to:​ Learn how to Be More. Learn More. Do Better; Do better both as an individual white person, and as a member of the white racial group in America; Learn how to do more to become an anti-racist (versus a non-racist) The series will be led by Dr. Rita Brodnax. Dr. Brodnax …

Canned Food Drive – Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry

Fishes & Loaves Food Pantry in Cashiers, an emergency food pantry, works year-round to help meet some of the dietary requirements of individuals and families in need throughout the community. Nearly one in five people in Jackson and Macon counties fall below the poverty line.  Though Fishes & Loaves would normally participate in the Empty Bowls Project, held around the …

A Deeply Southern Novel – Hudson Library

Author talks scheduled throughout the summer at local libraries were sidelined because of the pandemic, but a few are scheduled for the fall due to easing restrictions.  One of those is at Hudson Library on October 21 at 2:00 P.M. Award-winning author Susan Zurenda will share insights regarding her novel, Bells for Eli (published March 2 by Mercer University Press).  …