Flower Power
The inescapable charm of Dahlias earns them two days in the sun with Highlands’ Dazzling Dahlia Festival, September 6 and 7.
The inescapable charm of Dahlias earns them two days in the sun with Highlands’ Dazzling Dahlia Festival, September 6 and 7.
Through his perseverance and passion for historical accuracy, Dr. Ran Shaffner is the unimpeachable authority on the life and times of Highlands, and so much more.
The inescapable charm of Dahlias earns them center stage honors with Highlands’ Dazzling Dahlia Festival, September 6-7.
Highlands Historical Society’s 2024 calendar is jammed with events, family fun, irresistible personalities, and, of course, breathtaking dahlias.
The summer’s warm sunshine and abundant rain have produced a profusion of vibrant dahlias. Flowers of all sizes and colors, simple or complex — their beauty is unsurpassed. Dahlias, […]
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