Early Bird Strolls at Highlands Nature Center
Join the Highlands Nature Center to explore what birds have arrived in Highlands.
Join the Highlands Nature Center to explore what birds have arrived in Highlands.
The heartbreak and joy of the Holy Week are celebrated at The Village Green of Cashiers, Good Friday, April 15, through Easter Sunday, April 17. To learn more about The Village Green and these events or make a donation, visit villagegreencashiersnc.com.
For Delaine and Steve Mehder, their differences have somehow led to an abiding complementary love that will not be denied.
The Greystone Inn’s Lakeside Dining Room has earned international honors with Opentable.com’s Diner’s Choice Award. To evaluate the wisdom of this honor, make reservations for breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch, visit greystoneinn.com.
The arrival of Brunch at Oak Steakhouse at Skyline Lodge is a cause for celebration. Reservations are a must – (828) 482-4720.
Ann Lea Fine Art Gallery has unveiled a sweeping calendar of events to spotlight its exclusive stable of artists. To witness their works, visit the gallery at 976 US 64 east in Cashiers.
Let’s put on a Show! Highlands Performing Arts Center’s Youth Theater program roars back to exuberant life with a series of classes and workshops, April 12 through May 14. For information or to register, email [email protected], or call (828) 200-0889 or (828) 743-0215.
With Covid restrictions fading into the rearview mirror, Highlands Marketplace is a dazzling showcase for local farmers and artisans, Saturdays from 8:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. at Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park. Come for the intriguing merchandise, stay for the inviting conversation.
The Rotary Club of Highlands lends a hand to local homeowners with the expenses of maintenance.
Nantahala Health Foundation is seeking submissions for its grant programs. Organizations in Jackson and Macon county dealing with health care are encouraged to send in their grant proposals to NantahalaHealthFoundation.org.
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