Welcome October
There’s nothing sleepy about this most glorious of months.
There’s nothing sleepy about this most glorious of months.
This elusive, treetop gem of the forest has a sweet, distinctive song.
“Add the First Fruits of Autumn to the Remains of Summer Days,” says William. And add a little Hot Sauce, too.
The Rose-breasted Grosbeak’s feathered-finery and irresistible cheep-cheep songs elevates it to the top ranks of Plateau Avian Royalty.
William says we’re here in Admit You’re Happy Month. He’s always right about these things. C’mon, admit it, things are pretty good, aren’t they?
The noble Bald Eagle, who’s finally returned to the Plateau, is majestic even when it’s perched.
Benjamin Franklin was correct about so many things, but the Wild Turkey?
The stately Wood Thrush have returned for the Plateau’s summer, and they announce their presence with a lilting song that echoes through the forest.
All the Creation celebrates the Summer of Love
They dive, they dabble and they decorate our lakes and ponds – Ring-Necked Ducks are leaving us for the season, but not without putting on an endlessly entertaining show.
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