Embrace the Wonders of Summer
Wondering where the Wild Things are? Try Highlands Nature Center – 265 North 6th Street.
Wondering where the Wild Things are? Try Highlands Nature Center – 265 North 6th Street.
Neither a global pandemic nor their occasional random acts of naughtiness will prevent Santa from hearing the wishes of his dedicated followers.
Highlands Ice Rink is open at Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park. (Note to Olympic Hopefuls: The Beijing Winter Olympics debut in two months, so there’s still plenty of time to practice.)
Mountaintop Rotary leaps into its new year with programs that benefit local causes and needs around the world.
In addition to the artistic creations on display, the Mountaintop Rotary Art & Craft Show offers an irresistible array of treats to enjoy at Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park or to take home, August 28 and 29.
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