¡Que Rico!

Casa Amigos Bar & Grill, 3638 US Hwy 64 in Sapphire, is a quick ticket to fun and fine dining. For reservations or quick questions or take-out,

New Chapter at CLE

Meg Stevens takes the reins of the Center for Life Enrichment, bringing enthusiasm and a genuine love for the Plateau.

Winter Wonderland

The Village Green and surrounding shops and businesses in Cashiers will be a Glittering Wonderland throughout the grey days and dark, dark nights


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Dreams of Becoming Rich

For 12 years before Cashiers was named “Cashier’s Valley’’ by Jonathan Zachary in 1839, settlers were already coming in and making their homestead claims.  The first to stake a claim in the area we now know as Cashiers Township was Barak Norton. His homestead claim was just below the dramatic cliff side of Whiteside Mountain. Barak had another claim on …

Native Gemstones

Macon County’s corundum mining placed its shiny pin on the map in the early 1870s. Hiram Crisp, a shoemaker and farmer, was the first in the county to plow up corundum. File that away for the next time you’re planting petunias. Trace elements such as iron or chromium turn corundum blue, red, or occasionally yellow, white, or green. If it’s …

Bloomers and Bicycles

Bloomers and Bicycles.  What do they have to do with the Centennial celebration of the ratification of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote? Just step into Colonel John’s Cabin on the grounds of the historic Zachary-Tolbert house at the Cashiers Historical Society and view their exhibit A National Milestone With a Mountain View: 100 years of women’s …

Two Small Shards

Intrigue, confusion, fear, excitement, joy, tears…it was all there, a full spectrum, and oddly enough, the embodiment of those emotions came into the frame shop one day in a small sandwich baggie. Carefully laid out before me on my design table, there they were….so famous…actual pieces of freedom. As I listened to the captivating story of how Franklin residents James …

Highlands Aerial Park

Highlands Aerial Park is recognized as one of the finest “Tree Based” Zipline Parks in the World by several knowledgeable sources.  The signature “Squealing Mare” line has been claimed to be the singular best experience of its kind. Trip Advisor, the number one rating service, named HAP in the top five operations in the country, currently top 15 in the …

Go Small Before You Go Big

The old saying, “Go big or go home” does not apply here.  I feel fortunate – over the past nine years at Old Edwards Club, I have had the opportunity to work with and observe a variety of players.  From beginners, to returning beginners, to avid golfers, they all invariably approach the game from the same direction, from the tee …

Bugbane, Buttercup’s Cousin

Black Cohosh (Actaea racemose) is from the Ranunculaceae family and is a cousin of the Buttercup.  It’s from the genus cimicifuga which translates to “bug flight,” rendering the common name for Cohosh or Bugbane because of its bug-repellent qualities. Other names for this plant are Black Rattlesnake or Rattlesnake Root, because it is also known for treating snake bites.  This …

A Garden in Every Season

The Highlands Nature Center at the Highlands Biological Station may not be physically open, but we continue to provide the Plateau community and beyond with environmental content and resources that can be enjoyed from the comfort of home.  In order to connect with our community during the pandemic, the Highlands Biological Foundation transitioned some of our in-person programming to virtual …

A Great Escape

What a wild year 2020 has been so far!   Most all of us were affected one way or the other this past spring by the effects of Covid–19.  Even if you weren’t directly impacted by the virus, or even the quarantine, it’s almost a given that your stress levels went up a bit.  Whether they have found a cure …

The Carolinian Catbird

The Gray Catbird gets its vernacular name from its distinctive vocalization that sounds like a cat’s mew. Not somewhat like a cat’s mew, the call is a clear feline “mew.” Prepare to be surprised.  The Catbird’s formidable Latin name is Dumetella carolinensis, which refers to its being a small thornbush dweller in the Carolinas. Yes, it’s a Carolinian. Not our …

Seductive Panthertown

Check out Wilderness Falls and Frolictown Falls in a gorgeous two-mile loop trek that can be done in an hour or two in Panthertown Valley’s west side. The Valley is over 6,000 acres of protected forest land in Jackson County between Cashiers and Lake Toxaway.  There are entrances on the east and west sides of the Valley, Wilderness and Frolictown …

Trunk Shows at Narcissus

This summer, Narcissus in Cashiers is highlighting a trunk show by Lafayette 148, a New York-based company. The show will take place Thursday, July 9, through Saturday, July 11. The line features modern, sophisticated, luxurious, Italian designer fabrics in a wide range of sizes – from petite to regular, and women’s XL.  Then, on Wednesday, July 29, and Thursday July 30, ShuShu, …