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Chasing Sunsets and Waterfalls


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New Chef at Canyon Kitchen

Executive Chef Ed Selle takes the reins of Canyon Kitchen at Lonesome Valley’s culinary program.

A Gourmet’s Extravaganza: Fisher Vineyards Wine Dinner

The bounty of Fisher Vineyards’ sun-drenched slopes will complement the meal composed by Master Chefs Chris Hall and Matthew Basford at The Farm at Old Edwards, May 21. For more information and reservations (a must), visit OldEdwardsHospitality.com/FisherVineyards.

A Taste of Home

Clif Gottwals’ recipe recaptures sunny memories from decades ago and promises to light up your menu.

Where Conversation Resumes: Calders Coffee Cafe

Just what the doctor ordered: Calders Coffee Cafe serves up palate-pleasing beverages, comfort food that soothes something deep inside, and healthy doses of conversation. It’s located at 384 Main Street in Highlands.

Capturing Hearts Gracing Homes: The Art of Annell Metsker

For Annell Metsker’s evocative portraits, the life of the heart is always the heart of the matter.

Bringing the Outside In: The Art League of Highlands-Cashiers

The Art League of Highlands-Cashiers’ May meeting, set for May 24 at The Bascom, is a deep dive into the endlessly fascinating works of botanical artist Carol Misner.

Masterpieces at a Master Place: The Bascom

Just before it plunges into a busy Summer Season, The Bascom pauses for a moment to reflect on over 30 years of vision and inspiration that’ve earned it a reputation far beyond the confines of the Plateau.

Sew On & Sew Forth: The Quilting Art of Lois Williams

Lois Williams tried to stop, but the siren song of Quilting proved irresistible.

Scott Daniel Takes the helm at Highlands Playhouse

Highlands Playhouse’s Scott Daniel is ensuring everything is in place as the curtain rises on a season filled with possibilities.

PAC is Back!

The Highlands Performing Arts Center springs to life with a calendar crammed with events and performances. Highlands PAC is located at 507 Chestnut Street.

Pictures at an Exhibition

Of course Mussorgsky’s sensational Pictures at an Exhibition will be performed at the opening of the Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music Festival’s exhibit of Program Book Art at The Bascom, Sunday, June 27. For reservations, call (828) 526-9060.

HCCMF’s 40th Anniversary

Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music Festival’s bravura 40th Anniversary delivers an entire season of superlatives. For information or tickets, call (828) 526-9060 or visit h-cmusicfestival.org.