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The Pleasure of Dining Out

Are you like me?  Has your outlook brightened by a factor of eight with the return of that supremely gratifying experience of Dining Out?  Not that plating a takeout dinner in the comfort of home didn’t have its own subtle charm, but the restaurant experience is singularly indulgent, with its own nonpareil suite of pleasures.   All of these blessings …

Fish & Cornbread

Here we are in July, right in the middle of a busy, strange summer.  We still want to be outside enjoying the great outdoors, nature at her finest, and we can still do so, just like John Anderson, better known as “Cornbread” to the droves of his fans and collectors.  Cornbread takes to the outdoors, no social distancing required, as …

Art League’s Hopeful October

In 1785, Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns, wrote “To a Mouse.”  A line from that poem, put into modern English, suggests that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.   So has it been with the Art League’s 2020 season, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. Each year, April through October, the League sponsors seven presentations by …

Poppy Hour

Somewhere in the Covid equation of health and safety, there’s got to be room to rest and reset … a place of comfort and a brief escape from the pressures of these sometimes trying and tumultuous times. But how do you socialize while observing all the local and state health requisites?  Highlands Playhouse has the answer. It’s called Poppy Hour. The …

Intermission is Almost Over

It’ll be nice to open the Highlands Performing Arts Center once again. We’ve missed y’all.   Dependent on Governor Cooper’s announcement on June 26 concerning Phase 3 of reopening of NC, PAC will begin screening encore presentations from the National Theatre of London in July. Please check the PAC website for dates and times – HighlandsPAC.org  or HighlandsPeformingArts.com.   The …

Mingling in the Magic of Oils

There’s nothing plain about Jill Wolfe’s latest Laurel cover heralding this summer’s Plein Air Festival, set for  July 15-19 on the Village Green.  In her capable hands, Abstraction, Impressionism, and interpretive realism mingle in a mashup of landscape magic.   That’s a style she’s perfected and settled into after years of experimentation and study with world class masters. Her work …

Coping and an Old Rope Swing

There are a lot of stories as to what the current coronavirus crisis is revealing about family life, society, the educational system, and our economy.   Here, Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library’s Jessica Martin reflects on what sheltering-in-place revealed to her, her husband and three boys.  Taken together, the details of Jessica’s day-to-day life and its meaning in the larger context …

Reinventing Her Restaurant

March 17, 2020.  The celebratory sounds of a traditional St Patrick’s Day celebration were silenced today as North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper halted dine-in service across Highlands.  In its place, you could barely hear the air sucked out of the lungs of local restaurateurs  – the hard-working folks who had spent decades serving the community.  Meritage Bistro owner Andrea Schmitt …

Celebrate Your Voice

Like the rest of the world, my life seemed to completely change in the matter of days.  I was a second semester junior at college. Before I was sent home from school in March I was living in an apartment on campus, I was working hard, getting good grades, and enjoying living with my significant other for the first time …

Time is an Abundant Luxury

Time is the fourth dimension after the three spatial dimensions. In Newtonian physics time moves forward, never backwards, and cannot be speeded up or slowed down. In human experience, however, time crawls, hangs heavy, drags by, creeps up, passes quickly, runs out, flies and slips away. While home sheltering during this pandemic, many people find they have “time on their …

Who’s Behind The Masks

When beautiful art binds with perfect function, the result is fantastic craft.   Nan and her mother, Nok, have joined creative forces to produce an indispensable creation in these troubled times…fashionable, protective face masks, custom-designed for men, women, and children, all ages, all sizes. Eleven years ago Nan flew from Thailand to Western North Carolina with a student visa in …

Coming through Renewed

Since the real estate market is fundamental to the Plateau’s economic health, the arrival of the Coronavirus and its social distancing mandates added another layer of anxiety to an already shaken population.  “All of a sudden, all of us in real estate were dead in the water,” says Terry Potts, owner of Country Club Properties. “Of course, everyone closed their …