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CLE: Increasing APPtitude

The Center for Life Enrichment’s 2015 season begins with the world of technology! If you’re still struggling with how to operate your iPad or iPhone and need some guidance, CLE has the just the person to show you the ropes. Nigel Sixsmith is one of a handful of Apple experts and has taught iPad and Apple classes for CLE for …

Village Nature Series

Come gather on the back porch of The Village Green Commons at 5:30 P.M. May 26 for an intimate concert of traditional songs, ballads, fiddle tunes, and banjo selections from southern Appalachia. This is the first program of the 2015 Village Nature Series. This month features musician-storyteller Bruce Greene. Greene is known worldwide for preserving Appalachian music and culture. He …

Groovin’ on the Green

Community. It means different things to different people, but in Cashiers there is a place that embodies community, The Village Green and Village Commons, where Cashiers comes to play. Few events are as anticipated and attended as the Groovin’ on the Green concerts sponsored by the Greater Cashiers Area Merchants Association. Concerts are held every Friday night from June through …

Wildflower Whimsy

The Highlands Biological Foundation is excited to host Wildflower Whimsy this May 8 and 9. In keeping with our informal theme this year of pollinator conservation, we have invited ecologist Nancy Lee Adamson to be the keynote speaker at 5:30 P.M. on May 8. Nancy, who is devoted to promoting pollinator conservation through planting habitat and minimizing pesticide use, will talk about celebrating …

Tour de Cashiers

The Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce will stage the 23rd Annual Tour de Cashiers on Saturday, May 2. Cyclists will follow one of four routes: the Century, ¾ Century, Metric Century, or Quarter Century, with rides enveloping elevation gains of up to 10,500 feet. Steep climbs and fast descents await experienced cyclists who return year after year to enjoy the …

Pick a Wildflower

We hope you enjoyed participating in the Readers’ Poll for last month. The question we posed was: Which was your favorite place for a nature walk? Choices were the Cliffside Loop Trail; the Highlands Plateau Greenway; and Highlands Botanical Garden. You chose: Highlands Botanical Garden. Our question for June is what is your favorite plateau wildflower? Straddling the Eastern Continental …

Rotary and Haiti Partnership

Former Rotary Club of Highlands President Peter Ray reported to the club about the work that he and Highlander Jane Chalker provided to help establish a fish farm in Haiti.  Located in Lake Peligre, near the village of Cange, the project installed seven cages that each held 1,500 tilapia fingerlings. Tilapia are a popular food source with the Haitian people. …

The Park for the People

The Village Green is a park for the people.  In 1992, the founders saved two acres at the crossroads of Highways 64 and 107 in Cashiers from commercial development.   The Village Green was established with the mission to preserve and enhance the land for civic, spiritual, academic, recreational, and cultural activities.  Twenty-five years later, The Village Green encompasses more than …

A Tough Winter Without You

Winter is upon us in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  The impending snow and ice can make for a beautiful scene at the Friends for Life Forever Farm.  Unfortunately, it also makes for more work and higher utility costs as well.  It’s when we need your help the most.  Many of our volunteers have departed for warmer climes, and …

Food Pantry: What’s in Store?

According to the UNC School of Government statistics, 29.5 percent of children in Macon County live in homes that are considered “food insecure.”   That’s a staggering statistic, considering “Feeding America” states that food insecurity within the entire state of North Carolina is 17.7 percent.  While it may seem overwhelming, there is something that can be done to help, right …

90 Years of Reputable Research

Highlands is a biologically diverse area with more species of plants and animals than nearly any other ecosystem in the United States, and serves as a refuge for many bee species, including important pollinators that are facing threats to their fitness and survival.   With so many important species located here in Highlands, it is imperative that we share our …

National Mentoring Month

January is National Mentoring Month, so it only seems right to feature one of our awesome matches.   Barrett is a student at Southwestern Community College where he is pursuing his Outdoor Leadership degree before attending Western Carolina University to study in parks and recreation.  He is a guide at Nantahala National Forest and is an Eagle Scout and has …