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Okolichany, Goddess of Humane

The Highlands-Cashiers plateau is blessed to have so many philanthropic organizations available to us; and the heart of any philanthropy is its volunteers. We feel acknowledging these good-hearted folk on a larger scale has been long overdue. This month we are recognizing Hedy Okolichany for her work with the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society. She was nominated by CHHS director David Stroud. …

Protecting Your Internal Environment

Free radicals? Oxidation? Cell death? What can we do? Get more antioxidants! We age. We have poor eating habits. We have stress and we don’t exercise enough. We don’t get enough sleep. We experience disease and illness. Just plain living causes oxidation, but in excess it can be life threatening. The best way to fight the dangerous oxidation process is to …

Poking Out of the Pluff Mud

Recently I spent a week with my pal, Helen, at a beachhouse near Charleston. The Low Country is a rolling boil of historical accounts and spicy tales. The shoreline is an open-air museum of artifacts as random as mastodon fossils, pirate plunder, and Civil War cannon balls. We found a phenomenal beach on last year’s vacation that yielded all kinds …

Asset Allocation

Your existing portfolio is probably divided among stocks, bonds and cash investments. Adding new assets in just one of these classes could throw your strategy offkilter. For example, holding your inheritance in stocks alone would boost your overall stock exposure and introduce more risk to your portfolio. Alternative assets Conversely, an inheritance may present opportunities to diversify your investment portfolio beyond traditional asset …

Consult Your Personal Textpert

Portmanteau (from the French words porter, carry; and manteau, mantle) originated in the 1600s. It described a large suitcase/trunk made of stiff leather that opened out into two halves for packing belongings. Portmanteau’s popularity dwindled during the 20th century, but it’s enjoying a revival.  Today, a portmanteau is a kind of word trunk, holding a morpheme or two in each …

Panoramic Views

You could soon be living in a mountain paradise.   Nearing completion, the character and charm of this brand-new mountain home will immediately release all stress from your body upon approach.  In the heart of the Sapphire Valley Resort, high atop Dobson Mountain, the Crest at Cashiers is a private and gated mountaintop oasis.  The elegant rusticity of the home’s …

Treat Your Feet

As the cold and snow are replaced with sunny warm days and the green color of spring returns to our mountains, many of us are taking advantage of the outdoors. As we increase our walking, hiking, tennis, and golf, severe pain in one or both of our feet can occur. The inflammation of the plantar fascia, the arch tendon of the …

The Church of the Incarnation

“The Church of the Incarnation exists to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through worship, love and service. As individuals and as a congregation, we dedicate ourselves to this purpose.” From the humble beginnings when circuit rider John Archibald Deal began holding services in Highlands in 1877 to its present day home on the corner of Fifth and …

1800s Mountain Life

“Were I a poet I’d like to tell of the grandeur, the beauty, of the mountains, the lofty peaks surrounding my early childhood home. What a happy family we were! How we loved our little log cabin home and how our father would add to it from time to time as the family grew. First the kitchen, then a dining …

A Warm-Air Sandwich

Gardeners in this part of the country know not to plant before Mother’s Day. Even though April showers might bring warm days and May flowers, there is always a chance of a hard freeze this time of year. And so it was April 28, 1858, when the area experienced not only a hard freeze, but a monstrously disastrous one. It …

Coexisting with Black Bears

North Carolina Wildlife Enforcement Officer Mark Ray and Wildlife Biologist Justin McVey are the go-to wild animal experts in our region. They offer the following information as part of their educational outreach to those of us who share the air and land with our state’s abundant wildlife. This month the topic is Bears. Almost every winter in North Carolina bears …

Swamp Pink

Swamp Pink (Helonias bullata) is a rare perennial herb, the only known species in its genus. Blooming in March to May, its fragrant flowers are pink and occur in a cluster at the end a vertical spike which may reach up to 3’ in height. It has evergreen, lance-shaped, and parallelveined leaves ranging from dark green to light yellow green …