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Book Havens in Winter

The Plateau’s twin libraries are natural havens from the Winter Blahs.

The Bear & the Bands

The talent’s already lining up for the third incarnation of the Bear Shadow Music Festival, set for April 28-30. For ticketing and more information visit bearshadownc.com.

Grace Clothed in White

This is our time to go within to harbor hope and know the beauty of the season.

A Celebration of 40 Years

The Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a new slate of directors, a robust membership, and a dynamic energy to face the promises and pitfalls of the upcoming years.

Community Connection

For Rotarian Dave O’Harra, “coming home” to Highlands meant getting involved directly in the life of the community.

Women Who Shape The Plateau: Sharing the Mountain Experience

The Plateau’s natural bounty lies at the core of Carol Wilkes’ abiding passion.

Women Who Shape The Plateau: A Legacy of Welcoming Home

Ann Sherrill’s decades of work on behalf of her community have made her into a Cashiers institution.

Pilates Mamas

The demands of motherhood are a challenge to women on the physical, mental, and emotional planes.

Talking Trash

You know all that plastic we dump into the ocean? It’s coming back to us through the sea’s food chain.

Sticky Joints

The various creaks and pops that somehow work their way into our everyday existence often emanate from our sticky joints.

Such a Good Life: Trisha and Bob Kieltyka

For Trisha and Bob Kieltyka, a relationship built upon mutual respect was a solid insurance policy. (There was also a Datsun and a mustache involved.)

Isabel’s Doll House

Long a cherished childhood memory, Isabel Chambers’ doll house is restored to its original grandeur.