Taste the New Delights

Chasing Sunsets and Waterfalls


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The Devil You Say

Matt Weinstein, the maestro of Oak Steakhouse, offers a recipe that recalls the Carolina Coast (infused with a mountain twist).

Re-Kindle the Good Times

The Fix Experience is a marvelous indulgence to sooth post-pandemic ruffled feathersand revive the nearly-lost tradition of languid dining (with dancing). Reservations are a necessity – call (828) 743-7477 or visit thefixsapphire.com. It’s located at 3093 US 64 in Sapphire.

Bel Canto’s 30th Year

For its 30th Anniversary Recital, Bel Canto’s dulcet tones will ring to the rafters of the Highlands Performing Arts Center, 4:00 P.M. Sunday, September 11. For information about tickets, call (828) 787-2867

Lifting Each Other Up

Despite years and hundreds of miles apart, the deep love between Mary and Steve Abranyi would not be contained.

Pique Assiette

Becky Savitz’s unique vision transforms elegant rubble into something startling and beautiful.

A Truly Rare Bird

The anything-but-ordinary Canada Warbler may be vanishing from Plateau woodlands.

Be a Steward of the Land

The important work of the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust is more vital than ever.To learn more and support the Land Trust, visit hicashlt.org.

Capturing a Midnight Waterfall

With some precautions and the correct equipment, waterfalls at night can boost your portfolio with stunning images.

Make a Run For it

There’s a place for you for Highlands Rotary’s Twilight 5k, snaking through town on Saturday, August 13. For more details and to register, visit highlandstwilightrun.com.

Summer Soiree

The Highlands Biological Foundation celebrates a tradition of generosity with A Ravenel Soirée, hosted by Diane and Ray McPhail from 6:00 P.M. until dark, Monday, July 18. Tickets are $250 per guest –for more information and to purchase a ticket, call (828) 526-2221

Antiques Galore

Freed from two years of Covid restrictions, the Cashiers Annual Antique Show, setfor August 5-7 at the Cashiers Village Green Commons, is once more bustling andnearly filled-to-bursting with exhibitors. For tickets and more information,visit cashiersbenefitantiqueshow.com.

By The Book | Buoyant: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative, and Free

Susie deVille has written her first book – Buoyant: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Wildly Successful, Creative, and Free. Available for pre-order now.