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The Village Nature Series | Cashiers NC

The Village Nature Series roars back to life with a series of in-depth explorations of our heritage, both Cherokee and natural.

Sweet Sounds of Music: Highlands NC Weekend Concerts

Friday Night Live and Saturdays on Pine provide Highlands’ official Soundtrack of the Season. They’re free and everyone is invited.

Songs That Create Sparks | Orchard Sessions at The Farm

Mike Kinnebrew brings his tales of Love and Life to the Orchard Sessions at The Farm at Old Edwards, Thursday, May 19. For updates and to book online, visit OldEdwardsHospitality.com/OrchardSessions.

Highlands Cashiers Easter Event Guide

Easter will be celebrated across the Plateau in all its post-Pandemic Glory.

Nurturing Nature: Earth Day on the Plateau

Earth Day, set for April 22, is a joyous celebration of the mysteries and miracles bestowed upon all those who call this planet Home.

Bear Shadow Music Festival: Highlands NC

Bear Shadow brings its wide-open sounds and euphoric spirit to the Plateau at the end of the month. For more information and tickets, visit bearshadownc.com.

Tastes of Spring at The Farm at Old Edwards

Chef Craig Richards, the impresario of Atlanta’s Lyla Lila Restaurant, serves up his favorite dishes and a host of front-of-the-house stories and back-of-the-kitchen tales for the Spring Fling at The Farm at Old Edwards, Thursday, April 14. For more information, visit oldedwardshospitality.com

Our Hearts in April | Highlands-Cashiers

April is a Garden of Sensual and Spiritual Delights. Plus, there’s beer on the 7th.

Rotary of Highlands NC Helps

The Rotary Club of Highlands lends a hand to local homeowners with the expenses of maintenance.

Seeking Submissions: Nantahala Health Foundation

Nantahala Health Foundation is seeking submissions for its grant programs. Organizations in Jackson and Macon county dealing with health care are encouraged to send in their grant proposals to NantahalaHealthFoundation.org.

The Ukrainian Nightmare: Two Insiders’ Perspectives

The Ukrainians living and working on the Plateau remain in close contact with loved ones in their war-torn homeland.

Summit Charter School’s Inaugural Senior Class

Thanks to generous community support, Summit High School’s graduating seniors will be presented with $214,000 in scholarships and opportunities.