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We Welcome Holly Theobald: Highlands Biological Station

Holly Theobold is taking the reins of the Highlands Nature Center’s extremely popular Nature Camp Program. Registration has begun, visit highlandsbiological.org.

Birds, Birds, Birds: Who’s Counting? Highlands Plateau Audubon Society

Mirroring 2021’s Christmas Bird Counts across the country, far fewer birds were counted locally.

One Last Slice of Ice: Winter Recreation in Highlands

There are still a few places to squeeze every last measure of fun out of the retreating winter.

Off the Beaten Path: Tessentee Bottomland Preserve

Deena introduces us to Tessentee Bottomland Preserve, rich in natural beauty and drenched in local history.

Motoring the Mountain Miles: Highlands Motoring Festival

The 2022 Highlands Motoring Festival, slated for June 9-12, is revving up to be one for the books.

Bear Shadow and Band of Horses: Highlands NC

Bear Shadow spotlights the complex, layered sound of Band of Horses, April 29. For information and tickets, visit bearshadownc.com.

Toe-Tapping Taverns: Highlands NC

Both the High Dive and Ugly Dog Public House are keeping the beat with their live music schedules.

New Looks at Our Local Libraries

The twin libraries have used the Quiet Season to spruce up their interiors and their grounds.

Wisdom of the Daffodils

The Wisdom of the Daffodils offer a positive message for the days ahead.

Story Walk is Snow Magical: The Village Green

As winter winds down, you’re invited to enjoy the sublime delights of The Snowy Day at The Village Green.

Cover-Worthy Winters: Annual Cover Winter Photo Contest

Hey – Pay Attention! The Winter that’s slushing off of the Plateau at this very moment may hxave what you need to become a Laurel Cover Artist.

Enriching Young Lives: The Mountain Retreat & Learning Center

The Mountain Retreat & Learning Center’s Youth Conferences, running throughout the month, provide direction and understanding about spirituality. They’re open to all young people, from third grade through high school. Visit themountainrlc.org/mountaincamp.