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Sweet Memories

Burnished by time, Marlene’s Thanksgivings with her beloved Louis still shine with an almost blinding intensity.

Bourbon & Dinner | 4118 Kitchen + Bar

4118 Kitchen and Bar, located at 64 Highlands Plaza, celebrates Highlands Food & Wine with its exclusive Bourbon Dinner at 6:00 P.M. Saturday, November 13. For reservations, visit 4118kitchen-bar.com.

Just Eat. And be Thankful | Highlands Cashiers Thanksgiving Dining Guide

One more thing to be thankful for – someone else preparing your Thanksgiving Feast.

Holiday Wine Guide

The correct wine choice can work beautifully when paired with the Thanksgiving Feast (it also makes the preparation of the Feast more fun).

Salvation in a Pizza Pie: Slab Town Pizza

Slab Town Pizza’s deep menu and quick-as-a-cat takeout service helped to place this magazine in your hands. It’s located at 45 Slab Town Road in Cashiers. Call (828) 743-0020 for orders and information.

The Bluegrass Dream Team: Highlands PAC

Bluegrass innovators Sideline will perform at Highlands Performing Arts Center at 7:30 P.M. Friday, November 26. For tickets or more information, visit HighlandsPerformingArts.com.

A Holiday Season Yule Love: Highlands Playhouse

Highlands Playhouse delivers its characteristic panache and excitement as the Plateau’s autumn shades into the Holiday Season.

National Theatre Returns: Highlands PAC

Highlands Performing Arts Center marks the return of The National Theatre of London to local audiences with a pair of encore performances. Highlands PAC is located at 507 Chestnut Street. For more information, call (828) 526-9047.

Gratitude: The Bascom

The Bascom’s new executive director enumerates all the blessings for which she’s grateful, every day.

Small Works Art Show

The Art League of Highlands-Cashiers will present its Small Works Art Show at Sapphire Valley on Friday and Saturday, November 26 and 27. For information, visit artleaguehighlands-cashiers.com

One Brushstroke at a Time | Cover Artist Stanton Allaben

The endless astonishments of Nature have provided Cover Artist Stanton Allaben with a moveable feast that never fails to inspire.

Land Trust says, Take a Hike

Always good advice, “Take a Hike” becomes a lot more enjoyable thanks to the efforts of Highlands Cashiers Land Trust.