Taste the New Delights

Chasing Sunsets and Waterfalls


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There are so many great articles in the pages of The Laurel Magazine, sometimes you want to read them again. You won’t miss a thing. Use these helpful search parameters and find just what you’re looking for about Highlands, NC and Cashiers, NC.



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The Arts Always Survive | Highlands-Cashiers Art League

Animated by a Show Must Go On Spirit, the H-C Art League gets through the Covid-shadowed year with verve and its characteristic panache intact.

Weaving Magic | Shirley Gibson

A reverence for form is woven into each of Shirley Gibson’s elegant baskets.

Painting the Narrative | Cover Artist Bill Farnsworth

For cover artist Bill Farnsworth, plein air painting is as natural as, well, enjoying a sunny day.

10-year Rescue Mission | Southern Highlands Reserve

The endangered Carolina Northern Squirrel is hanging on to a perilous existence. They’re getting by with a little help from their friends.

A Day on the Lake | Lake Glenville

No matter the season, Lake Glenville extends its aquatic siren call far beyond the confines of the Plateau.

Spectacular Fall Show

If you’d like to discover the science behind the beauty of the Fall Leaf Show, join the experts at Highlands Nature Center for an Autumn Amble. Call (828) 526-2623 to find your place on a tour.

Create a Natural Garden

There’s nothing shy about the Brown-Eyed Susan, casting its bold-colored blossoms to the sunshine in meadows, gardens, and clearings across the Plateau.

Walk Under Water | Dry Falls

A potent mix of thunder and mist gives Dry Falls a hypnotic pull that’s almost spiritual.

Avian World’s Yin & Yang

It’s always Showtime! Wood Ducks are a classic example of guys sprucing up to charm the ladies.

Highlands-Cashiers River Otters

River Otters are enjoying their status as the Plateau’s friskiest arrivals. You can spot them at Lindenwood Lake, and possibly other aquatic spots in Cashiers and Highlands.

A Bout with Trout

Bringing in the Big Fish demands a herculean fortitude and an almost sisyphean resolve.

Cashiers Quilters Fall Show

For Cashiers Quilters, who’ll be displaying their creations at Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library on Saturday, October 9, the medium is the message. The cozy, comfy message.