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There are so many great articles in the pages of The Laurel Magazine, sometimes you want to read them again. You won’t miss a thing. Use these helpful search parameters and find just what you’re looking for about Highlands, NC and Cashiers, NC.



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30 Bigs in 30 Days | Big Brothers Big Sisters

Strong, loving relationships lie at the heart of Big Brothers Big Sisters’ success on the Plateau.

After-School Enrichment | Literacy and Learning Center

With the launch of the 2021-22 school year, The Literacy & Learning Center gears up for a busy, joy-enriched year of tutoring and growing.

Horse Crazy Girls

The allure of Carpe Diem Farms extends across generations.

Rotary’s Worthy Missions

For Highlands Rotarian Tom Graham, the annual golf tournament is simply one aspect of Rotary’s all-important fund-raising activities in support of worthy causes here and across the world.

The Generosity of Jane

The death of Jane Woodruff leaves an almost inconceivable absence in the hearts of her friends and the Highlands Community itself.

Moroccan Vibe

Morocco in the mountains? We’re as startled as you. But here’s the thing – a whimsical design aesthetic and extraordinary attention to detail ensure that this Highlands getaway is endlessly surprising.

Peggy’s Service to the Servers

The Peggy Crosby Center is powered by an abiding sense of community and a compassionate call to service.

60 years of Excellence

Animated by a notion known as The Wildcat Way, Wildcat Cliffs celebrates 60 years as a warm, vibrant Country Club.

How to Succeed at Failure

Donna’s uncovered one of the Universal Truths about Last Year and, we suspect, the years going forward.

Living With Arthritis

Living with arthritis is a lot easier with sensible choices and wise counsel.

Recipe for Love

Across distances and over the years, a subtle spark between Steve Palmer and Shelby Hightower was kindled into an enduring flame. A sweet girl named Madison helped.

Beacon of Learning | Highlands Community Child Development Center

Even while having to endure the Covid-crisis, Highlands Community Child Development Center remains central to the lives of the children of parents working in Highlands. To learn more, visit highlandscommunitychildcare.org.