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There are so many great articles in the pages of The Laurel Magazine, sometimes you want to read them again. You won’t miss a thing. Use these helpful search parameters and find just what you’re looking for about Highlands, NC and Cashiers, NC.



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Mountain Home Treasures

Whether it’s a year-round sanctuary or a seasonal dreamhouse, your home could probably use a bit of careful consideration and a splash of design imagination.

Filling Empty Bowls

The Empty Bowls Project, slated for Saturday, September 25, at the First Presbyterian Church of Highlands, aims to take a big bite out of Plateau hunger. internationalfriendshipcenter.org.

The World’s Your Oyster | Old Edwards Inn

See if you can match Marlene’s unbridled romance for the most humble of bivalves. Make plans to attend Old Edwards Inn’s Oyster Fest, slated for Sunday, September 19, visit OldEdwardsHospitality.com/OysterFest.

A Classic Tomato Pie

Tomato Pie is a sonnet to the fading days of a Southern Summer. It might be a secret, so don’t share it with anyone from Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

Gourmet to Go | Rosewood Market

A quintessential Plateau dining experience reaches some sort of peak perfection, thanks to Rosewood Market. Rosewood is located at 117 Franklin Road in Highlands (adjoining the Citgo Station). You can stop in or call ahead at (828) 526-0383.

Worth the Wait | Poet Richard Betz

For poet Richard Betz, a lifetime of observations and silent reveries has found expression in his first book, Bells in the Night. You’ll find copies at Shakespeare &å Company, 204 North 4th Street in Highlands.

Mystery Musical Love Story | Highlands Cashiers Players

Highlands-Cashiers Players takes on the Issue of the Age – Covid-19 – with a light-hearted (yes, light-hearted) musical. The Great Pandemic – a Mystery Musical Love Story will be staged at Highlands Performing Arts Center, October 14-17 and 21-24. For more information, visit highlandsperformingarts.com/hcp.

The Intricacies of the Heart | Annell Metsker

For Annell Metsker’s evocative portraits, the life of the heart is always the heart of the matter.

A Home on Wilder Shores

Local author Susan Posey walked the miles of her ancestors to deliver A Home on Wilder Shores.

New Generation | Whiteside Art Gallery

Though she’s updated its appearance and tweaked its stable of artists, Susan Whiteside Williams has preserved her father’s generous animating spirit in The William Whiteside Art Gallery. Discover for yourself at 1057 US 64 West in Cashiers or visit whitesideartgallery.com

Art League News at The Bascom

The Art League of Highlands-Cashiers will explore the directions of The Bascom and the future of the Artistic Community on the Plateau.

On With The Show | Highlands Playhouse

A newly-invigorated calendar promises that there won’t be any Sleepy Season for Highlands Playhouse.