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Everything Old Is New Again | Highlands PAC

Everything Old is New again, right? Well…as far as Drive-in Theaters are concerned, that is.  The Highlands Performing Arts Center has opened a “temporary” drive-in theater in the Laurel Street parking lot.    That means you’re invited to Parking at the PAC in Ray’s  Drive-in Theater, a new Gathering Spot where social distancing is the norm. Events will range from …

When Warp Meets Weft | Artist Deborah Bryant

Handwork is becoming increasingly rare in any type of clothing because the skills required are scarce and the costs prohibitive.   Only occasionally does someone depart from machinemade ware and  find a way to successfully produce and merchandise a handmade product.  Local weaver Deborah Bryant has managed, and today some of the finest representations of contemporary hand weaving can be  …

Ali Burnette

Every once in a while, you find an artist who just strikes you and your gallery, and one who may not exactly fit the framework, but who is too awesome not to share.  Ali Burnette is one such artist, but one we term contemporary, and her ceramic/clay pieces are as awesome as she is. Take a look and learn more. …

Art League’s Small Works Show

Time finally ran out.  The Art League of Highlands-Cashiers held open the hope that it could still sponsor the annual Fall Colors Fine Art Show the third weekend of October at the Highlands Rec Park.   But, alas, it fell victim to the hated Covid-19 virus.  At its August 31 meeting, the ALHC Board decided to cancel the 2020 event …

A Story of Redemption | Author Deena Bouknight

Deena Bouknight’s second novel, Playing Guy offers a distinctively humanistic Southern fable – a tale told with irony and pathos, it’s a story of redemption.  The novel has some of the heightened quality that has come to be known as Southern Gothic, and the notion of the South as a place where paradoxes prevail – a Christian tale where much …

A Darn Good Yarn | Artist Mary Catherine English

Mary Catherine English says she’s a Late Bloomer. Most folks say she’s anything but.    At 50, Cathy reinvented herself, going back to college to get a teaching degree. After graduation, she taught eighth and ninth grades until retirement (seven years ago). Still teaching driving, she’s hardly retired, but she’s just one of those energetic folks who can’t not be …

A Bundle of Make Nice | Artist Maggie Baxter Dearth

When Maggie Baxter Dearths’s hand, head, and heart get together, art’s about to happen. And they get together in her Scaly Mountain studio just about every day. Maggie moved here from Athens, Georgia a year ago with her new hubby, Timothy Dearth, an area native. She fits right in with the environment, the people, and the cultural opportunities … when …

A Welcomed Addition | Turtlehead

Chelone is a genus of four species and has several nicknames beside Turtlehead. She has also been known as Balmony, Bitter Herb, Fish Mouth, Snakehead and more, but enough of the name calling.  Rumor has it, name calling is what caused her to have a name at all.  Waaaayyyy back in the day, during the other world known as the …

Trees’ Time to Winterize | Highlands Biological Station

From the Smokies to Satulah, autumn is coming, and the Highlands Biological Foundation is gearing up for our next virtual program where we’ll explore why the greenery draping across our mountains will soon change in a wave of brilliant color. What we enjoy as a spectacular display is actually a tree winterizing itself. Rather than risk frozen, damaged leaves or …

Shadow of the Bear | Whiteside Mountain

This month brings a quiet frenzy among the creatures of the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau.  Foxes extend their territory to get a little fatter before the onset of winter. Squirrels get even squirrel-ier as they cache away the mast crop. And the little brown bats that shadow our evening skies put on an even more dynamic aerobatic show as they gorge on …

Eastern Phoebe | Highlands Plateau Audubon Society

A member of the flycatcher family, this songbird is about the size of a Titmouse, with a dark head, white breast and belly, and dark gray-brown wings. The Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) calls its name in a raspy voice. Compared to the slower, two-part call of the Chickadee, this “fee-bee” is fast, scratchy and less flute-like.  Phoebes are a largely migratory …

The Beauty of Fall on the Highlands Cashiers Plateau

Our four seasons give life a slow rhythm. In forest, mountain and field there is an annual cycle of renewal in the upstart spring, glory in the summer flower, spectacular autumn colors and total winter whiteouts. The slow pace is part of the beauty of this yearly procession. October brings the full blush of fall. Our attention is summoned by …