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Where Do Broken Hearts Go

The single released on February 25, 1988 from Whitney Houston’s second album was titled “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?”  You may recall the first lines of the chorus from the song: “Where do broken hearts go? Can they find their way home?    Back to the open arms of a love that’s waiting there.” Ginger was rescued after she was …

Helping Littles in a Big Way

It’s not a secret that we have all experienced some hardship over these last few months with the onset of Covid-19.   For some, this has meant we’ve had to wait to visit second homes, have had a difficult time locating everyday supplies or have had to re-evaluate daily routines.   Big Brothers/Big Sisters of WNC–Cashiers and Highlands has joined …

Wheel Within a Wheel

All you need is a big heart and a pair of helping hands to be a pal of Peggy. “Peggy” is the affectionate nickname of the Peggy Crosby Center in Highlands. Her building was originally a hospital established around 1950. The healing and helping it instituted continues today, fostered by many community businesses and charities that have rented space over …

How Mushrooms Change the World

The Fungi Kingdom is vast and harbors the yeast that carbonates your beer, the green mold that takes over your bread, and the Italian truffles worth over $500 a pound.   The Highlands-Cashiers Plateau is home to tens of edible gourmet wild mushrooms that will make you salivate while they sauté in the pan, in addition to a few lethal …

Rotary’s Wheel Moves Us All

Highlands Architect Dennis DeWolf, semi-retired for about 12 years from his private architectural firm, has been a member of the Rotary Club of Highlands since 1974, taking a position of Club Secretary the following year.  The club was relatively small in numbers at that time and had little choice but to move from one meeting place to another that could …

Living in Balance

Life on a farm is all about balance and rhythm.  We do our best to work with Mother Nature, the seasons, the weather, the cycles of the animals. All of this to provide for and keep the herd of nine horses safe and healthy.  Last year, our Percheron Paint gelding, My Kaleb, was out of balance in the herd of …

Castle Ladyhawke

Once upon a time, there was a girl, and this girl had a very big dream.  She dreamed of herself walking through a castle. Over and over this dream occupied her nights. She would wake each morning with a clear memory of all she saw in slumber. She knew she was destined to not just walk the halls of this …

Covid’s Emotional Chill

Since Memorial Day, Highlanders have talked more than ever about the pandemic as we’ve seen a rise in cases diagnosed.  It was late March when I became aware of my personal reactions to the pandemic. And what I saw were the masks of grief: denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance. Aware that the virus was moving in long-term, ready, or …

The Days of Helen’s Barn

When Charles Nicholas Wright died in a car wreck in 1927, he left behind a widow in her mid 30s,  and five young children.   Wright — a former mayor of Highlands himself and father of Mayor Harry Wright — was famous for having won (along with his friend Will Dillard) the Carnegie Medal for his 1911 heroic rescue of …

A Season Within a Season

Seasonal wellness is at the core of Therapeutic Yoga.  We can all agree, the focus on Covid-19 has been a focal point this summer, a season in which is rarely known for illness.   Why are we rarely ever ill during the Summer months? We usually associate colds and flu with Fall and Winter, and Spring has a reputation for …

Investing 101

How do you invest in general?  With your finances, are you smart, discerning, prudent with your risks, protecting your investments for long term gains? With your car, do you keep it tuned up on a regular basis, protecting your investment so you can rely on its performance?  With your health, do you care for your body in ways that will …

This is Our Home

Close your eyes.  Glide back-and-forth in a favorite rocker on a century-old porch floor. Listen as the yielding wood gently creaks a soothing mantra. Sip and savor a fresh mint julep. Inhale the intoxicating fragrance of honeysuckle. Hear cows mooing across the meadow. Fill your lungs with delicious, safe air.  Voila!  You just entered a timeless realm, experiencing the kind of passionate …