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COVID-19 Testing Update

There are a variety of tests and testing procedures for Covid-19. Understanding them all can be confusing. Richard Ellin, M.D., of the Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation Board of Directors, explains the different types. Testing for Covid-19 made simple: There are two types of tests for Covid-19: Diagnostic Tests and Antibody Tests. A diagnostic test can show if you have an active coronavirus infection. An antibody test looks for …

Old-timey Touring

Accommodating tourists was always paramount in the minds of the local citizens of the highest elevations of the Blue Ridge Mountains, from Highlands to Toxaway.   Running boarding houses quickly became a main source of income for its citizenry as far back as the 1840s.  Indeed, except for looking for the county government to appoint overseers and road crews to …

Benny, the Police Force

If you’ve seen The Princess Bride, you’re bound to remember how the big, big Fezzik is appointed to The Brute Squad to impose order on the Thieve’s Forest. Well, that mirrors the story of super-size, no-nonsense Bennie Rogers and his term (c. 1912-1945) as the Police Force, aka Brute Squad, of Highlands. Bennie was big, his hand doubling the size …

Acorns Trunk Shows

While it may seem like the pandemic marched into March and changed everything, many businesses on the Plateau are presenting as much normalcy and agreeable distractions as possible.  One of those pleasant opportunities is found at Acorns – The Shop at Old Edwards Inn. Scheduled in October are two anticipated trunk shows.  The first, scheduled for October 2-18, is a …

From Practical to Whimsical

Another glorious fall day here in Highlands is a perfect excuse to go off the beaten path just a bit and browse the shops and businesses on 64 West.   Parking is generally plentiful, and you’ll find just what you need in this little corridor, from the practical to the whimsical. Highlands Pharmacy is quite simply one of our most …

Oyster Lovers Rejoice

In the South Carolina Lowcountry where I lived most of my adult years, an Oyster Roast is simply a way of life. Indeed, of the thousands of meals I have eaten over many decades, no meals have been as pleasurable or memorable or left me as happily contented as those that occurred in the outdoors, shucking and slurping briny mollusks …

Grumpy Granola

Thomas Craig, who with his wife Kay opened the storied Ugly Dog Pub and The High Dive, is full of stories.  Like the one he tells about his relationship to culinary royalty, and former New York Times Food Editor Craig Claiborne,  “Craig was my father’s first cousin.  So technically, he’s my first cousin once removed. My paternal grandfather and grandmother …

Full Bellies. Warmed Hearts. The Ugly Dog Pub – Cashiers

About a million years ago, I reviewed 4118 Kitchen+Bar for the March issue of Laurel.  Central to the piece was the sublime sensation of being welcomed into a place where we were known. In the course of our meal, our table was visited by a friend who updated us on his winter’s holiday off of the Plateau, I received a …

The Arts Preserver

Humans love to be regaled, amused, beguiled, enthralled, saddened and gladdened. Thus is was and ever shall be. We simply adore being entertained.  While today’s stage has Covid hovering in the wings, performers are finding creative alternatives to live presentations. Actors are still giving their all to their audience, but through a variety of digital formats like Zoom, podcasts, vlog-style …

Help PAC Stay on Track

As a former Girl Scout I was taught to be prepared, always.  So, not willing to give up I prepared to hold our concerts if we were allowed to gather during this Covid-19 chaos.  So far that hasn’t happened. I commend Gov. Cooper on taking the path to try and keep us all safe and well. However, it did mean …

Learning to Love Limbo

My name is Missy (Ada Holmes) McIver, age 74.   When did I become a member of the vulnerable generation?  I majored in Art History, which gave me a lifelong love of art, but was too intimidated to try studio art.    In my 20’s I spent a year studying photography and calligraphy, both lifelong avocations.  I am also a …

Whimsical Works

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Roy Minshew is his stature, a very imposing man of great height and structure, but one with a deep, dry wit and humor, along with a classic Southern drawl.  Roy was born in 1950 in south Georgia where he has lived his entire life, except for his stint in the …