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For No Hungry Pets

Monty holds a very special place in our hearts because his adopting mom gave us the first donation in 2015 to create our free food pet pantry, which we call “Meals from Monty.” In the past five years, we have distributed approximately 75,000 pounds of free pet food to help families in times of  hardship.  We need donations now more …

For the Love of Horses

There is a definite rhythm to “Life on the Farm.” It doesn’t have many changes from day to day.  Honestly, it is very Zen-like, chop wood, carry water. As spring continues on the Plateau, trees bud, flower, leaf out, hummers, our mallard pair and our other migratory birds return, we observe and marvel at the gifts we are blessed to …

Adopt the Pace of Nature

Ralph Waldo Emerson advised that we should, “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.”  Over the past few weeks most of us have had no choice but to change our routine, our pace of life.  For many of us, it is not easy being patient but when we are still, we can learn and grow in new ways. …

Balancing Tensions

Anxiety is wrestling with Un-Creative Tension in the mind.   Relax friends, we have not been here before.  When the world we thought we could count on suddenly requires a whole new way of living, our previous expectations need to be reforged.  The recent weeks have been a record scratch, a “stop” when there was supposed to be a “go,” …

What’s Going On

What do we do in times like this?  Covid-19/Coronavirus – what is this virus that is causing a pandemic? Why are we so ill-prepared for something that is affecting all of us, locally and globally? How do we stay safe while protecting our families and loved ones?  As a healthcare provider, I was also faced with what I felt were …

Health’s Guardian

In collaboration with other Western North Carolina hospitals, local municipalities, and the health department, Highlands-Cashiers Hospital CEO Tom Neal assures Plateau residents that Highlands-Cashiers Hospital is prepared for their health needs during this unprecedented time. “Even before a national emergency was declared, we had been hardening our plans to assure we were ready to meet the needs of our community,” …

Making History Viable & Fun

Longevity and sustainability are two things that are often hard for non-profits to achieve, but Cashiers Historical Society is the very picture of success on both counts.   Now in their 24th year, this non-profit grows and flourishes. In a nutshell, their mission is dedicated to preserving the identity of Cashiers through recognition of its history in publications, awards and …

The Rideout Predictions

Just for the fun of it, write down five predictions you have for the Plateau for 2070 and tuck it away. Perhaps you see Highlands and Cashiers merging. Do you think global warming will send us sliding down the mountainside? Will Science protect/restore hemlocks and chestnuts so they once again thrive? Will Highlands have a heliport? Might the rich and …

1880 Cedar Creek Mill Houses

The Hamburg Village, later known as Glenville, was considered a small business center with three stores, boarding houses, blacksmith shops and stables.  There were several grist mills operating including a flour mill located on the bank of Cedar Creek at its juncture with the Tuckasegee River.  The Hamburg Village became the Glenville Village in just 11 more years.  The original …

Politics & Fashion

When the first Woman’s Rights Convention was held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, women’s  fashion was as tight-laced as their lives!  Cinched-in corsets and heavy, long skirts that swept the floor (or the dirty streets) limited their movement and their freedom. So when women organized a convention demanding a say in their lives including the right to vote, …

Fishing Through Covid-19

As an owner of a thriving small business and fly shop (Brookings), the Covid -19 situation has totally blind-sided me and my staff, as it has the rest of the world.   Right about the time that some of the best fishing of the year was about to begin, and our guides’ schedules were looking like schedule days per week, …

Gem of the Woods

The gifts of May, amidst the lingering trials of April, have been immortalized by poet Lucy Larcom: When April steps aside for May, like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten;  Fresh violets open every day, to some new bird each hour we listen. This little bird, like glistening rain-drops and fresh violets, can lift human spirits on a May day. The …