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Let’s Wait and See

Every decade has its theme-word or phrase: 1960s: Bummer 1970s: Can you dig it? 1980s; Awesome 1990s: As if 2000s: Word 2010s (the Cell Phone Gen): Swag, Emoji, APP, Hashtag, Selfie . . . just pick one. 2020s: Let’s Wait and See (already established this decade and guaranteed to spill over into the next) “Let’s wait and see” is code …

The Pursuit of Understanding

It is difficult to pick a beginning point for this story because I could easily trace my interest in writing, and especially writing on theological subjects, to being a very early reader who was also immersed in Bible stories and what I saw as many contradictions.   This awareness of the contradictions in the stories as well as the contradictions …

Balanced by Nature

The imagination runs wild when you first enter the new Village Green Commons. It’s a chameleon of an event venue in the heart of Cashiers containing the Commons Main Hall, Gardens, and Outdoor Pavilion and Lawn.  With the aim to continue the Village Green’s mission to “preserve and enhance land for our community’s civic, spiritual, academic, recreational and cultural activities …

The Antibiotic Dilemma

There is a lot of sickness out there! Have you noticed that colds linger longer and the flu is feared by all?  There is a lot of news covering the resistant strains of bacteria that no longer respond to antibiotics like they did years ago. The reason that this is happening is due to over-prescribing of antibiotics, often on the …

2020 Healthy Resolutions

With the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions to pursue healthier lifestyles. Since February is Heart Month, we turned to Patti Wheeler, MD, for some advice on how to ensure that our hearts are healthy and happy throughout the year. Dr. Wheeler has served generations of Plateau residents, and she’s come up with some easy ways …

Cemetery Ramble

The Cashiers Historical Society’s October 2019 Cemetery Ramble started inside the Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church with a lecture on the history of the church presented by Carol Bryson and Ann McKee Austin.  Afterwards, the group went outside and visited the first burial sites in the cemetery, placed there in 1876. Within a plot surrounded by a wrought-iron …

A Matter of Faith

Well over a century ago Elder F. M. Jordan wrote: “There is a fine valley at the head of the Tennessee River, a fine farming country, thickly settled. The Baptists once held that country pretty generally. But they fell out amongst themselves, and jars, discord, and strife crept in among them, and they excluded some, and some took letters and …

Winter Waterfowl

Winter holds its own special avian delights in and around our local wetlands: lakes, ponds, flooded fields and estuaries.  At Mirror Lake in Highlands, for instance, you can often spot any number of Wood Ducks, Black Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser and Mallards.  Nearby Lake Junaluska, which offers both scenic vistas and a slightly warmer climate than the lakes …

Knee High Naturalists

Due to the amazing feedback we received about our Knee High Naturalists program this past month, we have decided to extend it to keep the fun going!  Families with young children (suggested age three to five years) can join us every Friday morning from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at the Highlands Nature Center as we combine stories, walks, and …

Winter Pansies

With a real name like Viola x wittrockiana, the pansy sounds like she’s got a split personality. The word pansy comes from the French word, pensee, meaning thought, or remembrance.  A very sweet looking flower, delicate, diminutive, and some people tend to see it as a weed. But bring in its Latin name wittROCKiana, and you may understand why this …

Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Falls is an incredible 150-foot waterfall that’s located in the Pisgah National Forest but visitors reach the trailhead through Gorges State Park.  The 7,500-acre park in Lake Toxaway is known for long-distance trail hiking, biking, and horseback riding along the Horse Pasture River. However, the trail to Rainbow Falls isn’t long distance and makes for a perfect day trip, …

Beginning Angler Question

Welcome to January in Western North Carolina.  Cold temperatures, lots of precipitation, and more cold temperatures. Not what one thinks of as the ideal time for fly fishing. It can be especially frustrating for the new angler, as you probably just got a bunch of brand new equipment for Christmas and, short of a trip to warmer climates, nowhere to …