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Rotary Press Release Speaker Denise Young Representing the Alzheimer’s Association

Pictured left to right: President Dave O’Harra, Denise Young. At this week ‘s Rotary Club of Highlands meeting, the club was honored to have Denise Young as our speaker. Denise is the Program Manager at Alzheimer’s Association- Western Carolina Chapter. Denise explained that while there are multiple forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s is its’ most common cause. Alzheimer’s is a progressive …

Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation, Nantahala Health Foundation & Dogwood Health Trust Collaborate to Expand Nutrition Services in Far Western North Carolina

“It is a privilege to collaborate with HCHF and NHF to serve community partners who are addressing this urgent need in Western North Carolina,” said Dr. Susan Mims, CEO of Dogwood Health Trust.

Emily Joins Team Laurel

Though it seems like she’s always been a part of this magazine, we’re now making it official – Emily Munger is The Laurel’s newest Account Manager.

The Ripple Effect of Kindness

From the days of the Cherokee to the present, kindness has been the primary virtue of Plateau-dwellers.

PCC’s Latest Happenings

With its turmoil and trouble finally in the rear-view mirror, The Peggy Crosby Center sets course for a busy year ahead.

New Gear in The Rotary Wheel

With a sharp vision and a deep love for her adopted community, Jille Katz Siler takes the reins of Cashiers Rotary.

Calhoun’s Big Adventure

Thanks to the compassionate principles embedded within Park on Main’s business plan and a Nashville woman with a loving heart, Calhoun had the happy ending that all of the residents of Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society dream about.

Skin Cancer Awareness

A handful of wise decisions and a wealth of common sense can ensure that your skin remains healthy and beautiful.

Everybody Needs a Yogi

When she needs a bit of clarity and composure, Donna turns to her Inner Yogi.

Spring Arrivals

The Boys are Back in Town! Spring brings the Carpe Diem herd to a healthy six heads.

BEE Kind

BEE Kind is back for Mental Health Awareness Month this May.