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Give Your Pet a Spay-Cation

The Cashers-Highlands Humane Society has provided low-cost and free spay/neuter for thousands of animals, dramatically reducing the overpopulation of unwanted pets in Highlands and Cashiers.  As a result, we have saved countless numbers of local residents from the heartbreaking decision of surrendering their beloved pet due to financial constraints. Our program is known as “The $30 Fix,” which offers to …

Visit the Conserved Pond Hollow

Families love to gather here.  Mild climates, lush landscapes, diverse wildlife and stunning vistas have drawn people to the Plateau for over a century.  Today, these mountains are still a playground for many, thanks to those who have made and continue to make the effort to preserve them.  The Gregory Family discovered the value of having a family estate in …

The Course of True Love

“The course of true love never did run smooth.” For one Charlotte couple, Shakespeare proved prescient, although they also confirmed one of his central tenets – “I would not wish any companion in the world but you.” When the story of the 12th Annual Highlands Motoring Festival is recounted, there’ll be a lot of standout tales.  But they pale in …

Daughter of the Dawn

If you’ve spent any time on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau, you’ve encountered Avary Hack Doubleday, even if you’ve never noticed it.  She’s served on boards for charitable organizations, she’s been a force in the cultural scene, and if there’s a worthy cause that needs wise counsel and energy and an indefatigable spirit, well, she’s probably somewhere in the mix. All of …

Question of The Day

I play Question of the Day with Alexa.  I know. Nerd-a-rama.  But it lulls me into believing it’s actually helping me stave off senility.  That reminds me of a joke: You know the best part about Alzheimer’s? You make new friends every day.  Now, what were we talking about?  Oh, yeah … today’s question … Which first lady had the White …

Luxury Rises out of the Forest

Sometimes someone’s misfortune can become someone else’s fortune.    Such is the case with the Big Buck Lodge. When the original owner started building this mountain mansion it was so he and his wife could escape the summer heat of Fort Lauderdale. It took almost three years to build with the finest materials, exceptional craftsmanship and the prettiest millwork I’ve …

Woodsby, Your Famous Neighbor

It’s hard to imagine what life would be like without the entrepreneurial ingenuity of men such as Henry Ford and Walt Disney. The convenience and culture that we enjoy today began as nothing more than an idea and a desire to improve.   These men may have shaped the automotive and entertainment industries, another man shaped the restaurant industry. His …

Ambitious Renovation

I don’t suppose it’s a coincidence that on my way up to Caribou House in Cullowhee that a pair of otters galumphed  across the road to splash into Lake Glenville, absolutely unaware of the car screeching to a stop five feet in front of them. It turns out that Caribou House embodies that sense of carefree frolic.  Owner Rose Mary Achey …

Big Wheel Keep on Turnin’

If you know Diane McPhail, you know that everything about her is extraordinary…there’s nothing run-of-the-mill.  Well, maybe one thing. She lives in a mill, a restored/converted mill house, complete with waterwheel and grinding stone. In its heyday, that mill crushed dried corn into meal, which provided many a johnnycake to our Plateau predecessors. The mill’s power, the Cullasaja, runs right …

Cancer, Cure or prevent?

Just the thought of cancer can be daunting. We’re surrounded by news of cancer or overwhelmed by our own personal confrontations with it – whether it is yourself, a family member, or what is constantly reported in the media – it is everywhere!  Cancer is a menace to our health, but most people are looking for a cure after the …

Homemade Ketchup

Ketchup is loaded with fructose; it also has high-fructose corn syrup and is high in sodium. It contains vinegar, which creates an acidic environment in the body – unfortunately,  most diseases thrive in an acidic environment.  Ketchup has lycopene-containing tomatoes, which should be great news, but the amounts of lycopene found in commercially manufactured ketchup are very small.  On the …

The Essential Breath

Have you ever kept a pace in your life that only seemed to get faster, while at the same time you felt more worn down than ever?  In traditional Eastern Philosophy, a person is thought to be born with only a certain number of breaths to spend in a lifetime.  So why waste them? Whether we pant throughout a busy …