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HCP’s 25th Season

In July of 1995, Sara Mayer, Carol Lucas, Jerri Talley, Jean Morris and April Hershey each gave $100 to begin a community theater group in Highlands, the Highlands Community Players was born. That first season they chose three plays – “Steel Magnolias,” “Dearly Departed,” and “A Thurber Carnival.” As a nod of appreciation to their founders, the Highlands-Cashiers Players’ 25th …

The Interlude Concert Series

The Interlude Concert Series, which is sponsored by Highlands First Presbyterian Church, continues with a great lineup for August. All concerts are on Wednesdays at 2:00 P.M. at First Presbyterian Church.   Featured on Aug. 7 will be the Land of the Sky Chorus. The Land of the Sky Chorus is the performance name of the Asheville Chapter of the …

Bel Canto’s Incredible Talents

In addition to the four singers on stage in Bel Canto we have two other people who are mainstays of each and every Bel Canto performance.  First, our “Orchestra,” the eminitely talented pianist, conductor, teacher and accompanist, Dr. Stephen Dubberly, and our Artistic Advisor, Stella Zambalis, who performs in some of the major opera companies (including the Metropolitan Opera in …

Listen to Your Art

What could be better than enjoying the beautiful mountain scenery and rivers of the Highlands area?  Add an amazing art and craft show! Highlands Mountaintop Rotary invites you to do just that on August 24 and 25 for the Highlands Village Square Art & Craft Show. Paintings, prints and photography will be accompanied by top quality crafts like turned wood, …

Where the Happy Lives

It’s always a joy to visit Smitten’s Deb Hudson and see what new kinds of happy fill her current canvases. This time it’s bears and cows and pigs and pets, each portrayed in a state of creative critter bliss.  Take Pigtini, a pudgy little piglet snuggled into a cocktail glass.  Or his cousin, Bearbon, a bear curled up in a …

Where the Happy Lives

It’s always a joy to visit Smitten’s Deb Hudson and see what new kinds of happy fill her current canvases. This time it’s bears and cows and pigs and pets, each portrayed in a state of creative critter bliss.  Take Pigtini, a pudgy little piglet snuggled into a cocktail glass.  Or his cousin, Bearbon, a bear curled up in a …

Encore Performance

The Highlands Performing Arts Center will present the National Theatre of London’s encore performance of “The Audience” starring Helen Mirren as Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is a modern constitutional monarch who reigns but does not rule. She has influence rather than power. Her influence is exerted by means of three fundamental constitutional rights – the right to be consulted, …

Beethoven, Bailey and a Big Band

The 38th annual Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music Festival concludes on August 11, when the Gershon-Cohn Final Gala and Dinner Party presents our first-ever swing concert with “Beethoven, Bailey and a Big Band” featuring cellist Zuill Bailey, pianist and Festival Artistic Director William Ransom, and the Joe Gransden Big Band.  Cellist Zuill Bailey’s combination of musical artistry, technical wizardry and engaging personality …

Leslie Jeffrey, Abstractionist

From a young age, Leslie Jeffery was exposed to art.  At five or six years old, she would accompany her grandmother, who founded the Tampa Art Institute, on plein air painting excursions, and quickly developed a love of art.  Ms. Jeffery will be the Art League’s guest speaker at its August 26 meeting at The Bascom.  Leslie went on to …

Always, A Winner

The Highlands Playhouse gets as much enjoyment out of picking the winners they know you’ll love as you get from watching them. And this season’s finale won’t disappoint. It’s “Always, Patsy Cline,” a Highlands hit five years ago, guaranteed to be even more impressive in 2019. This time there are new performers, an intimate cast of two fabulous actresses who …

Jim McDowell’s Face Jugs

Jim McDowell is believed to be the only American black potter who creates face jugs, made of clay, inspired by his African heritage, African traditions, and his family lineage.   His four-times-Great Aunt Evangeline was an enslaved potter in Jamaica who made face jugs. He’s been making them for over 35 years. They’ve been displayed in galleries and museums from …

Martha Wright, Clay Artist

As we maneuver through life, sometimes the things we are drawn to seem disparate.    Martha Wright, semi-retired CPA, had an epiphany. Here she was…a talented, left-brain math girl.  But she noted she was also a lover of animals and supporter of the Humane Society. She collected ceramic creatures. She hung bird prints everywhere. Along her CPA-way, all her treasures …