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Dreams do Come True

Sometimes dreams come true. For Marshall and Beth Carpenter, their dream was to own a home in the North Carolina mountains. As lifelong PGA and LPGA golf professionals from West Palm Beach, Florida, they were thrilled for their dream to become a reality when they purchased their summer home in Cashiers in 2013. When visiting a friend in the area, …

Home & Garden Specialties

When you step into Oakleaf, it’s something of a calculated fall down the Rabbit Hole. There’s a brightness to the place, and a sense of life and its myriad promises, a touch of whimsy, and an undeniable playfulness. Part of that is the sensory presentation that greets visitors – the brightness of the fresh cut flowers, the subtle blending of …

The Uncommon Cashiers Commons

Cashiers is spread out, there’s no way around it. Some people arrive at the Crossroads and assume that they’ve seen everything.  Not by a long shot. In fact, if they head north on Highway 107 for just a few hundred yards,  they’ll come to a remarkable assemblage of shops, right on the road, but at once removed, like they’re just …

Zookeeper Celebrates the Big 10

A few years ago, I wrote about a visit to Zookeeper Bistro, located at 48 Slabtown Road in Cashiers.  I launched my review with a paean to the virtues of breakfast – a verity drilled into me as a kid, discarded by me as a young buck, and admitted with grudging acceptance by the old guy I am now.  But when …

Wines and Dinners

This marks the fourth year of the Highlands Food and Wine festival, which grew out of the Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center’s annual Culinary Weekend.    In addition to local restaurants, the festival draws upon the resources of vendors from across the Southeast, chefs from across the United States, and nationally-recognized musicians. It’s a party in the grandest …

Lunch for Literacy

Local restaurants have banded together to support the Literacy Council of Cashiers. Lunch for Literacy, slated for Friday, July 5, is a marvelous way for everyone in the community to enjoy a great meal and benefit the 30 percent of Jackson County residents who live within the lowest levels of reading and math literacy. Participating restaurants will split their proceeds …

Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry

Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry invites everyone out to their 11th annual Big Ol’ Mountain Country Breakfast on Saturday, July 6, from 8:00 until 11:00 A.M. at the Cashiers Community Center. This Cashiers tradition is a must-do to finish your Fourth of July week off with delicious home cooking. Worry about calories tomorrow, today throw caution to the wind and …

25 Years and Counting

As Chef Wolfgang Green and his wife Mindy celebrate the 25th anniversary of Wolfgang’s Restaurant and Wine Bistro, it’s clear that they’re still passionate about the restaurant, an enthusiasm that’s made the place into a Highlands institution.  “Of course, we’re proud of these 25 years here in Highlands, but they only make us more excited to be thinking about great …

Coro Vocati Performs at FPCH

Coro Vocati will perform in a concert entitled “Dust and Spirit – Home and Beyond: Songs of our Folk-Heritage” on Saturday, July 13, at 5:00 P.M. at First Presbyterian Church of Highlands. There is no charge for admission.   The program features English language folk songs and hymns from three countries – Ireland, Scotland, and America. These songs sing of …

Highlands Playhouse Summer Hits

“Oklahoma,” that timeless gem of Americana, is back July 11-27 at the Highlands Playhouse. This summer’s performance is not only O.K. … it’s supremely transcendent.  Anybody growing up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s had Rogers and Hammerstein lyrics and tunes permanently bonded to their psyche.    Artistic director Bill Patti will bump things up a notch with his fresh …

Summer Music Camp

Highlands United Methodist Church is offering its Children’s Summer Music Camp from Monday, August 5,  through Friday, August 9. This year’s music camp will center around the musical comedy, “All God’s Critters.” During the week, participants will learn the songs and the dramatic parts of the show, culminating in a performance at 5:00 P.M.Friday, August 9, in the church’s Sanctuary; …

Interlude Concerts

First Presbyterian Church of Highlands will launch its 2019 Interlude Concert Series with a 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 10, performance of “Ransom Notes”  by Violinist Kate Ransom and her brother, Pianist William Ransom. Ms. Ransom is the President of the Music School of Delaware and has been a favorite performer at the Highlands-Cashiers Chamber Music Festival. William Ransom is the …