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Scaly Mountain Women’s Club

It must be Spring.   There are warmer and longer days, apple blossoms, and a watch for the return of the Hummingbirds.   For the members of the Scaly Mountain Women’s Club, spring brings a special reason for excitement. Three of their scholarship students are graduating.  Fred Barnes, graduates from the University of North Carolina, Emily Gabbard will graduate from …

A Century of American Legion

On March 16, the American Legion turned 100, and local Post 370 celebrated the centennial milestone. While the local post was chartered in 1946, the organization as a whole traces its roots to March 15-17, 1919, in Paris, France, in the aftermath of World War I. The American Legion was federally chartered on Sept. 16, 1919, and quickly became an …

Carpe Diem Farms

Carpe Diem Farms has had its doors open for business at the end of Western Rhodes Drive in Highlands following its grand opening in October 1997.  The foundation, established in 1992, had been operating its equine and human services programs in other locations. Throughout our history 23 horses have been involved in our programs, nine horses remain as the core …

Buzzing ‘Round the Meadow

Wildflowers are even more beautiful in the mountains, don’t you think?  The mountain air, high elevation, and unique granitic soils create an amazing and colorful expanse of flowering plants.  Not only are the flowers beautiful to look at, but they are important ecologically.  Flowering plants and pollinators have a special symbiotic relationship: flowers are able to reproduce via pollination, while …

True Grits

While on my annual winter sojourn to Edisto Island, off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina, I bought a fancy cloth bag of Charleston’s Own Stone Ground Whole Grain White Grits, prepared on granite millstones in its namesake’s city.  Its logo: Experience a history you can taste. Grits have been a Charleston staple since the town was settled in 1670. …

A Tale Destined to Be Told

I love reading in all genres, but historical fiction is my guilty pleasure.  I’m always fascinated with other time periods, and I live vicariously through the characters of my favorite books. My most recent foray into days gone by was the humbling opportunity to read Diane McPhail’s latest novel, “The Abolitionist’s Daughter,” which is coming out on April 30 from Kensington …

Soup’s On

The days are sunnier, the grass has sprung, the flowers are here, and the air feels warmer. Unfortunately, the cold and flu season is not ready to leave us yet.  During the cold and flu season, some supplements work better than others. Elderberry syrup, Vitamins C and D can help keep colds at bay. There is nothing like a warm …

A Yogi’s Guide to Weight Balance

Are you possibly feeling weighed down at winter’s end?   I hear from many people who do not feel satisfied with their personal weight or shape.  It’s common and may be necessary to add a layer during the colder months from eating extra food to stay warm.  This stagnation, if not removed, can accumulate in both body and mind.  Weight gain …

What Does It Mean to Detox?

When we think of detoxing, there are probably 100 different thoughts that come to mind.  Some people believe a detox means they should soak their feet until the water darkens; others think of fasting for several days to a month; some think of a special liquid diet; and so on and so on.  True detoxification occurs in the liver as …

Celebrating Mission’s Volunteers

Mission Hospital and Eckerd Living Center celebrate National Volunteer Month this April by recognizing those who assist their staff and patients in marvelous, magnanimous ways.  One of their most outstanding Eckerd volunteers is Amber Hornbarger.  Her husband required rehab.  She accompanied him for his sessions and became acquainted with staff and patients.  It wasn’t long before she was assisting others, …

CHS Restores 1890 Schoolhouse

The Cashiers Historical Society has been working tirelessly, restoring and renovating the historic Hampton School House, which was moved to the Historical Society grounds from High Hampton in August 2018.  The school was originally built in 1890 for the children of Cashiers by Wade Hampton III, and was staffed by his three sisters.  For many years this small schoolhouse was …

Whittling Away

When I was growing up, I remember seeing a little wooden figurine of a pig in my Nana’s living room.  I was told to be careful with it because it was lightweight and the legs were fragile.  My father made it.  He whittled it out of a piece of balsa wood.  His father, my grandpa, taught him how to whittle, …