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Put on a Happy Face with Pinnacle Anti Aging

Have you ever looked at a person from across the room and asked yourself why he or she is so sad? Even closer to home, has anyone asked you what’s wrong when there is nothing wrong at all? The fact of the matter is that all day, in every interaction, a person projects nonverbal clues about who they are and …

Tranquility Cove Massage

Lisa Wilker, of Tranquility Cove Massage has been helping clients in Highlands since 2007.   She graduated from Venice School of Massage, mastering the basic foundation in Swedish massage technique and formulated Bodyreflex.  It combines Swedish, Trigger Point, Myofascial, and Neuromuscular therapies. Wilker has completed many other courses over the years and has had a practice in Fort Myers Beach, …

Top Five Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables are the among the healthiest foods you can eat. Plentiful in the summer, they enhance a large variety of dishes. Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant-based substances that may help protect you from diabetes, cancer and heart disease, green leafy vegetables are good in smoothies, soups, salads and casseroles.   So, which leafy green vegetables are the …

Untethered in Ten

On the indigenous medicine wheel the stages of life are represented by the four directions.  The southern direction or “facing south” correlates with our youth, childhood and summer!  This inspires me in my work with clients with natural cycles. We can all relate to summer as a joyful time, child-like with play! Freedom to move is in the air with …

Who Is Your Best Health Advocate?

Who has an extra set of ears for you? Who goes to bat for you?  When you’re in a doctor’s office dealing with challenging health decisions, did you know that you can make your own decisions because it’s your body and no one else’s? A good doctor will bring you and your advocate into the mix and offer you their …

Advanced Directives

Woody Allen said, “I don’t mind dying.  I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”  That resonates with many of us.  Dark humor aside, there comes a time when the subject of Advanced Directives must be addressed.  Two years ago, my 95-year-old mom and 93-year-old stepdad under Hospice care, had to face, discuss, sign, and post their ADs.  …

Will Thomas Slept Here, Cashiers History

Few North Carolinians have a story to match that of William Holland Thomas (1805–1893), the “white chief” of the Cherokee.   He’s one of my favorite historical characters, and this article will highlight some of his less talked about personal characteristics.  His father had drowned in the Pigeon River shortly before his birth.  His mother was left to raise her only …

A Bridge with Spirits, Highlands NC History

In 1886 Highlands’ Fourth Street had a speed bump…a natural speed bump so high it was upending wagons that approached the Main Street intersection with too much horsepower.  Fourth and Main Streets were graded down a bit (the speed bump had 7 feet taken off its top) as part of a road and bridge remodel near John Jay Smith’s sawmill …

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose-breasted Grosbeak

The beauty of the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) amazes with every close-in sighting.   The female is elegantly attired in an ermine breast vest with prominent white eyebrows and a cape of white-tipped feathers spanning 50 shades of tan to brown to black face makeup. The formally-attired male has stark black and white plumage suggestive of a tuxedo with a …

What’s Bugging You?

Ahhhh, the joys of a summer garden.  You’ve put in some good gardening hours, and now it’s time to enjoy some of these longer days and admire your work.  It’s all fun and games until you notice a big itchy whelp on your arm or leg, or the prize bloom has a frothy mess on it, or the leaves are …

Bass on The Fly, Fishing on the Plateau

Every July, anglers in Western North Carolina bemoan the conditions.  Heat makes the trout lay low and expend very little energy.  Most will hang up the fly gear for the core summer months. If you’re fishing for trout, your days are more challenging to be sure, but anglers can easily switch to bass during this time and have a blast …

As Right as Rain

Let me tell you about this walk I took recently: It was early evening.  The trail was wet and muddy where the gravel hadn’t washed away, with narrow but deep trenches where water had been working overtime to expose the bedrock beneath the dirt.  Thunder rumbled in the distance, and leaves exposed their lighter undersides ahead of the approaching storm.  …