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Mango And Avocado

To celebrate the arrival of summer, especially after an abbreviated spring and a winter that seemed to drag on forever, there is nothing better than the golden glory of the bright and the colorful Mango and Grilled Avocado Salad. This salad presents a nice blend of tangy mango with the creamy grilled avocado. With a drop of peach dressing, this …

Private Yoga

Yoga was originally passed down directly from master teachers who worked one on one to individualize a practice for each student based on their health, body type and lifestyle. Private sessions combine the traditional elements of physical yoga postures, yogic breathing techniques, mental focus, and sense awareness in a safe setting. So why would you consider a private yoga session …

Code Stroke

Mission Health’s Highlands-Cashiers Hospital continues its stroke intervention/ education with this interview with Reid D. Taylor, MD, of Mission Neurology. “When it comes to stroke risk factors,” Dr. Taylor says, “we divide them into two categories: modifiable and nonmodifiable. ‘Modifiable’ refers to things a patient and his/her doctor can change to reduce the likelihood of stroke – blood pressure, diabetes, …

Cashiers Library In June

Like every other entity on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau, Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library revs up to full speed in June and is filling its calendar with activities for patrons of all ages. On Friday, June 22, Author Ashley Stewart will offer a reading and signing of her new book “Hey, Brother” in the library’s Meeting Room. “Hey, Brother” is a gripping …

Mystery Afoot At The Hudson

On June 5, author Susan Boyer will be at Hudson Library as part of this summer’s Books and Bites author talks. Susan will be giving a talk and presenting her recently-released book, “Lowcountry Bookshop,” the seventh and newest in her award-winning Liz Talbot mystery series. The series is set primarily in Lowcountry South Carolina, and in “Lowcountry Bookshop” Private Investigator …

Educated Decisions!

The mission of the Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust is “to protect valuable land resources for all generations.” The Land Trust’s efforts to accomplish this mission fall into three programs, including conservation, stewardship, and education. The first two programs are linked. First you conserve and then you take care of what you have conserved. Based on natural heritage data and climate resiliency …

Boston Run For a Cure

Ask any member of the Rotary Club of Highlands their favorite aspect of membership, and chances are they’ll say “the fellowship.” Unexpected relationships form through club membership. A very special friendship was celebrated in April when Brian Egler, a member of the Rotary Club of Highlands, ran his 18th Boston Marathon. This one was different – not only because he’s …

Ground Breaking News

The Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society has announced the largest expansion on our 10-acre campus since the 2016 opening of the CHHS Canine Adoption Center. Last month, we hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the new CHHS Feline Adoption & Animal Care Center, the single-largest investment specifically for cats and kittens in our 31-year history. The new building will feature safe, modern and …

Flash & Ebony

Two of the youngest animals in our care at the Forever Farm are Flash and Ebony. This male and female duo came to us by way of our good friends at Transylvania County Animal Services. The bonded pair, who were 18-months-old at the time, came into their possession with Flash in urgent need of medical care for a nasty wound …

Your Garden’s Secret Weapon

There is a mountain of 100 percent organic composted soil available for sale at Carpe Diem Farms. Bring your truck or your containers and give your garden, trees, lawn and even your houseplants the soil they deserve to thrive and provide you with tasty vegetables, beautiful flowers and a pictureperfect lawn. Named “Promising Results,” by our friend and life-long gardener …

She Opened The Door To Soar

If you want to know anything about what to do outdoors, ask Marianne Vines. There is certainly no one who loves it more or has done more to encourage folks to take advantage of all our area has to offer. She and her husband Gordy moved here in 1990 and many may still remember The Candy Basket they owned next …

Looking Thru Nature’s Window

As the summer begins, so does the fun at the Highlands Biological Station. Stroll our Botanical Garden for a look at plants native to the Highlands Plateau and walk around the lake for a beautiful view, or swing by the Nature Center to say hello to our turtles, snakes, and frogs. No trip to Highlands is complete without a visit …