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What the Doctor Ordered

As we grow older, many of us find ourselves on daily medications for the first time, or add to the list we already have.  While many don’t give it much thought, our animal companions often find themselves in the same situation.  At the Forever Farm, this is a reality on a large scale. Friends For Life’s mission is to provide …

Compassionate Care for Cats

When we celebrated the grand opening of the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society Canine Adoption Center in 2016, the 26-year-old original shelter became a felines-only building on our 10-acre campus. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the 26-year-old building is showing its age and suffers from substantial maintenance and repair issues, and also has minimal housing areas for cats …

Scaly’s Women of Winter

Have you ever wondered what members of the Scaly Mountain Women’s Club do in the winter when  many members escape to Florida?  Laura Haner found herself deep in blueberries. Paul Bothmann designates 15 blueberry bushes to the SMWC.  Members pick, wash, bag, and freeze the berries to be used at their pancake breakfasts that feature the blueberry pancakes.  Paul had …

Easy’s Slipper Study at UF

The story continues.  Easy’s Slipper was named for a horse who arrived at the farm in 1998.  Her name was Fast ‘n Easy, a retired Quarter Horse racehorse, trained in dressage and was also a broodmare.  Her only offspring, Sweet Pea, who arrived with her and is now 23 years old, is the last of our original herd.  They had …

Heralding Hillrie Quin

Hillrie Quin has always had a love affair with Mother Nature, and we have all benefitted. He is largely responsible for the maintenance, building, and mapping of the Highlands Plateau Greenway. His love of Highlands comes from a nearly 50-year history with the Cook Family, early residents of the town.  His wife, Beverly Cook Quin, can be thanked for getting …

March on Down to the Hudson Library

We’ve made it through the darkest days of winter on the Plateau, and while there are likely still some cold and blustery days ahead of us, the first vestiges of spring are in the air.  What, you’re probably wondering, is going on at Hudson Library on a typical late winter day? Lots, it turns out.  On Thursday afternoons at 3:30 …

A Home for all Seasons, Blair Realty

The bright sun reflected strongly off the newly fallen snow.  Every room in the house was bathed in the sun’s warm glow.  The gentle fire warmed the hearth of the native stone fireplace that reaches skyward through the cathedral ceiling.  Timber frame beams, hardwood floors and windows galore create a casual mountain ambience at its finest.  With coffee in hand, …

Glowing Skin Pudding

Don’t let the bright green color of this dessert scare you, as it can nourish your skin from the inside out.  Full of healthy fats and Vitamin E, avocado can make your hair and skin look softer, and the Omega 3-rich chia seeds can help your skin appear more youthful and supple. All of this can happen while you’re enjoying …

Yoga is Alive in the Students

Yoga speaks through the lives of the people it touches.   Yoga in books and videos is very different than yoga in real time and practice.   Since ‘Yoga’ is a verb, it is defined best when active and alive.  Yoga in its classical definition in Sanskrit means “to yoke” or “to unify.”  It speaks of the process of connecting, …

The Beauty of Integrative Care

After 12-plus years in Highlands and on the Plateau, I have gained an even greater appreciation for integrative health care.  As we all know, healthcare is no longer health care. Instead, we live in a disease-managed-care system, utilizing and often abusing prescription medications while natural, holistic approaches are underutilized.  The largest problem arises from miseducation and lack of education within the …

Importance of Health Screenings at Highlands-Cashiers Hospital

Mission and Highlands-Cashiers Hospital work hard to make their quality health services more accessible to residents of Western North Carolina.     Their latest contribution: expanding monthly colorectal screenings.  General surgeon Dr. Marco Chavarria and his team from Transylvania Regional Hospital will be conducting colonoscopies and endoscopies two or more days per month depending upon the season. March is National …

Apple-y Ever After

The Cashiers Historical Society has an exciting calendar of events planned for their 2018 season.  They’ll kick off their season on March 10 with their annual Heritage Apple Day at the Cashiers Community Center from 11:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. Everyone’s invited to attend and learn about this fruit that has meant so much to the development of Cashiers. You’ll …