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Highlands Chamber of Commerce: Crank Up Your Camera

In the past few months, Highlands Chamber of Commerce members have been bubbling with excitement over their new branding strategy.  By hiring a specialized team to tweak their ideas, including adding a social media component, the members were able to expand and improve the chamber’s core concept. It’s one thing to know social media makes communication instantaneous.  It’s another thing …

The Village Green: A Park for the People

For 25 years, The Village Green has been a park for the people.  The founders set out to create a free, public space that would enhance the community’s mountain lifestyle.  Since that time, residents, and visitors to the Cashiers area have benefited from this shared public green space.  The Village Green is celebrating its Silver Jubilee Anniversary as a vibrant …

Highlands Food Pantry: Feeding The Needs

The Highlands Food Pantry is a partner agency with MANNA Food Bank of Western North Carolina, all being part of the federally funded Feed America Program.  Unfortunately, with the current natural disasters that have affected various parts of the country, we are finding our once-steady supply of food being cut back at a time when our local needs are rising.  …

Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust: The Best Gift of All

Sitting on Santa’s lap you muster up all your courage and whisper what you hope to receive under the tree this year even though you’re kind of freaked out that his beard is so big and his elves are hovering over you like cheerful yet slightly intimidating bouncers at the gates of the North Pole.  Ah, the giving season is here! …

Cashiers Highlands Humane Society, From Islands to Mountains

On October 19, the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society joined forces with three other animal welfare organizations creating a four-state response to help rescue dogs from Puerto Rico.   Joining CHHS from North Carolina was the Atlanta Humane Society (Georgia), Nashville Humane Association (Tennessee), and the Charleston Animal Society (South Carolina).  All four groups met in Atlanta to greet a very special …

Mountains & A Molehill at Forever Farm

As another year comes to an end at the Friends for Life Forever Farm, two of our residents, Tony and Jack, sit as newfound friends in the doorway of the main dog building on a rainy day, contemplating their life at the sanctuary.   Tony is a sweet old beagle that somehow ended up at our local county shelter a …

Something Big at Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Highlands and Cashiers

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina has two branches in our area – Cashiers and Highlands.   Both of these branches have committed mentors who decided to “start something” special and join our efforts to positively impact a child’s life.  When a mentor is matched with their Little, they are provided with ongoing activities, training, and support services …

A Most Wonderful Time at Carpe Diem Farms

It’s been a blessed year at Carpe Diem Farms. Christmas has come early in several ways. Nearly five years have passed since we added to our farm family.  Our newest resident, Ellie Mae, is a five-pound bundle of energy who brings lots of joy to our daily life.  The three-year-old Yorkshire Terrier rescue has made herself right at home with the …

Stepping Outdoors With Ann, Highlands Audubon Society Volunteer

Ann Campbell is a lifelong learner and is passionate about encouraging everyone to learn more about the world around us.   This is why she is a volunteer with the Highlands Plateau Audubon Society, celebrating it’s 20th Anniversary this year. Before retirement, Campbell was a science educator and feels it is vital for people of all ages to step out …

The Dickens You Say

The twinkling lights of houses illuminate the gently falling snow of the alpine village.  The whistle of the train pierces the air as it traverses the rugged hillside.  The sounds of Christmas carols float above the holiday shoppers.  Can there be anything more heart-warming than this Dickens-inspired scene?  You’re not in New York or Zurich.  You are in a home …

Tireless Wireless at Albert Carlton Community Library

Albert Carlton-Cashiers Community Library will be closed for the Christmas holiday, December 23-26. That gives the staff a little time to be with their families, but they’ll be back and ready to serve the public on Wednesday, December 27. But, if you’re a local resident or someone who spends a good deal of time in the neighborhood,  here’s the thing to keep …

Saved by a Donut Dude

Yesterday was my buddy Bobbo’s birthday.  I stopped at a donut shop to get him a fancy coffee and fritter.  A young attendant nervously approached the counter, eyes as glazed as the donuts shelved behind her.  She mumbled, “What can I get you?” I asked if she had any fritters.  “Whut?” she asked, finger twisting her hair, her other hand fumbling …