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Sugar-Free Pumpkin cupcakes

Easy, light, healthy and full of pumpkin, these tasty cupcakes will surely make your party better. They are healthy enough to enjoy for breakfast, too. To speed things up, bake the cupcakes ahead of time, freeze them and then thaw and frost them. Two frosting options are included: the vegan one and the dairy one. Sugar-Free Pumpkin Cupcakes with Creamy …

A Transformational Winter Vacation Awaits

Motivated by a mutual love of yoga and travel, fellow yogi and longtime friend Ashby Underwood and I decided to begin a neighborly collaboration in 2015 between Yoga Highlands and Cashiers Valley Fusion.  The hopes were to unite both communities through yoga and wellness so the planning began for programs both locally and abroad.  In January we led our first …

Are You Sleep Deprived and Don’t Know It?

How important is sleep?  This is not new news! The average adult American needs at least seven hours of sleep, preferably seven to nine hours per night, and a varied amount of deep and REM sleep.  The body has an amazing job at night while you’re resting. The brain and nervous system are busy at work, navigating and controlling the …

Mission Health

CarePartners (an affiliate of Mission Health) provides compassionate hospice and palliative care for patients and families served by Highlands-Cashiers Hospital. No one should have to face end-of-life decisions or a chronic illness alone. CarePartners Hospice and Palliative Care offers physical, emotional and spiritual support to patients with life-limiting or terminal illness. They’re dedicated to treating patients and their loved ones …

Highlands NC History: The Merit of Fortitude

Every so often I obsess on a song and listen to it a thousand times before a new oldie worms into my brain. Currently my earworm is Ron Moody’s version of “Reviewing the Situation” from “Oliver.” Check it out on YouTube.  The lyrics have a special resonance, my having recently turned 70. Think of the song as a flower, with …

Cashiers Historical Society Recognizes Its Volunteers

The Cashiers Historical Society hosted their annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on Friday, October 6, on the grounds of the historical Zachary-Tolbert House that is the lovingly-restored and maintained centerpiece of their work on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau. This annual day of celebration is the society’s way of thanking the numerous board members, committee members, docents and volunteers who make the mission …

Cashiers NC History: Hampton and Halsted

Dr. William Stewart Halsted, a New York native who was the first chief surgeon of John Hopkins Hospital, was the person who gave the name “High Hampton” to the beautiful 400 acre Cashiers estate he purchased in 1890. When he died in 1922 he had increased the acreage to 2,200 acres. You wonder “How did this come about? Who was Dr. …

Talking Turkey

Like the potato, tomato, corn and tobacco, the Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is a North American gift to the world.   According to Lovett Williams, in 1492 the population of this indigenous bird covered a good deal of the eastern and southern continent and numbered 40 million. By 1940, overhunting and habitat loss had reduced their presence to just 12 percent …

Flyfishing in Highlands Winter Style

A lot of folks visiting the Western North Carolina mountains look at the end of October as the end of trout season. Those who live here know that there’s a lot more fishing left before year’s end. The truth is that fishing in November and December can be much more fruitful than trying to fish in July and August when everyone …

Fox Grapes

Ever read Aesop’s Fables? If so, I’m sure you remember the one called …“The Fox and the Grapes.” One hot summer’s day, a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine, which had been trained over a lofty branch.  “Just the thing to quench my thirst,”quoth he.  Drawing back …

90 Years of Commitment at Highlands Biological Station

The Highlands Biological Foundation has been committed to fostering research and education focused on the rich natural heritage of the Southern Appalachians since 1927. Our mission is expressed in the three facets of the station – the Nature Center, Botanical Garden, and Research Laboratory.   For over 75 years the Nature Center has been the interpretive bridge between the research …

Winter Waterfall in Cashiers NC

Summer is long gone by now, and we have entered that long season of short days and cold nights when Nature, having shed its final riot of autumn color, invites us to notice and love the more minimal splendor of the clean lines of tangled tree branches, the contours of naked ridges in the distance, and the subtle beauty of …