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Highlands Hurricanes

News of the Highlands Hurricanes swim team has been splashed all over local news media thanks to their award-winning seasons. They take their competitions seriously, but it’s not all hard work. Head Coach Steve Hott and Assistant Coaches Jordan Kenter, Debbie Kenter, Julie Hughes, Chad Garner, and Seth Curtis have four important rules for their swimmers: have fun, be safe, …

Carry Your Home

A stranger came into a town Saw an old man rocking slow.   Old man winked, stirred his drink, Said, “Stranger, what do you know?”    The stranger wiped his brow and swore, “This place is hot as hell.   What’s this town like anyway …  As if I couldn’t tell?”   The old man took a long sip, Then …

Revel in the Serenity

Much desired, seldom available, is this one-of-a-kind private 48-acre estate that was originally owned by the U.S. Forest Service.   This is the epitome of gracious Highlands living. Stroll down shady trails rimmed with a plethora of native plants. Traverse the meadows or perch on a sun-warmed rock on one of the many terraced plains as you commune with nature.  …

Many Paths, One Yoga

Diversity is inherent in our lives.  Each person’s body is unique by design and further influenced by its environment.  Traditional Yoga is exceptional in recognizing the variety of personality types and provides to us Four Paths to the practice of yoga.   From the 12th to the 15th centuries, yoga adepts experienced and simplified our many human facets much like …

Dr. Peterson Joins H-C Hospital Team

The team of providers at Highlands-Cashiers Hospital has just added a familiar face, Carole Peterson, MD.   For many years Dr. Peterson has been an Ob/Gyn provider in Franklin at Angel Medical Center and will now be joining the medical staff in Highlands. Dr. Peterson will continue to practice in Franklin, but will share her time with women needing full …

Cashiers Colonel

Frequently I am asked what kind of a Colonel was Colonel John Alexander Zachary, one of the earliest settlers of Cashiers Valley?  What war did he serve in or was that just an honorary title he gave himself?  Maybe it was something like Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame? Many decades ago when I seriously took up researching my …

Fan Club of the Famous

With its pristine forests, its intoxicating fresh air, and exquisite mountain vistas it’s no wonder Highlands is the object of many famous people’s affection.  Movie stars, politicians, authors, and CEOs have vacationed and frequently resided on the plateau.  Here are several you will recognize. Enjoy reading?  In 1988 Malcom Forbes and 1989 James A. Michener made the trek to Cyrano’s …

Carts and Horses

Cashiers Historical Society opens The Zachary-Tolbert House, located at 1940 Highway 107 South, on May 19 with their first exhibit of the year, “Carts and Horses!”, which will run until June 18.   This exhibit will be located in Colonel John’s Cabin, located on the grounds. Everyone in the community is invited to an afternoon of fun at this season’s …

Sparrow Dipped In Raspberry

This “sparrow dipped in raspberry juice” is a local from December to May. The Purple Finch, the state bird of New Hampshire, is a seasonal resident of the Highlands Plateau during winter months as flocks migrate to the Southeastern U.S. from Canada.    Larger than an American Goldfinch and White-breasted Nuthatch, the female Purple Finch is brown and white with …

National Trails Day

Each year more than 25,000 visitors and residents explore the trails in Panthertown Valley, a treasured backcountry recreation area and bear sanctuary in Nantahala National Forest.  For more than a decade, Friends of Panthertown volunteers have maintained the 30-mile trail system for everyone to enjoy. Our mission is to work in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to conserve this …

Scotland Was a Hit

Tom, Let me first start my thanking you (Tom’s Golf Tours) and your “in-country” team in Scotland for an amazing golf experience.  My boys and myself could not have asked for better courses, better concierge services, better restaurants or better overall time from the moment we landed until the moment we left.  They are memories that won’t be forgotten any …

Summer Camp & Wildflower Whimsy

May signals the start of many programs, classes, and events for the Highlands Biological Station.  We hope you’ll join us to welcome spring by stopping in at the Nature Center, taking a stroll around the Botanical Garden or signing up for one of our classes or programs.   Summer Camp at the Highlands Nature Center is a great way to …