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When Is Trout Season?

Being a fly fishing outfitter in town for over 30 years, we’ve answered a lot of questions concerning where to fish, how to fish, and what to fish with, but the most frequently asked question over the years has to be “When is trout season?”   There is a common misconception about the time of year an angler is able …

The Slate-Colored Dark-eyed Junco

The Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) is a ground-dwelling sparrow often seen hopping around on the forest floor, flying low between shrubs and Rhododendron bushes and even skittering around our feet.  It is recognizable by its dark gray back, white belly, and two long outer tail feathers that flash bright white in flight.  Juncos emit a sharp “chip…chip…chip” which seems to …

Gray Catbird

Appearing in wooded areas, this medium-sized songbird occupies the underbrush, feeding on berries and insects. The Catbird, sporting slate gray plumage, has a slow warbling song that is varied and hoarse including higher notes, chips and squeaks. Most likely to be recognized by its distinctive call, the Catbird lives up to its name with its clear, catlike mewing: mwee and …

Wildflower Whimsy

Humans have used fire as a tool for thousands of years to manipulate the landscape.  Nonetheless, the many wildfires that impacted the Western North Carolina mountains last fall were cause for alarm for many of our residents.   The fires have been extinguished, the smoke no longer lingers in the air, but many questions remain.  Will there be long-term impacts …

Billowing Azaleas

Being from South Carolina, spring evokes memories of billowing azaleas, like rainbow-colored clouds floating across the fresh new green of the season.  Who knew, just three hours north to these beautiful mountains spring would be so different? Although azaleas can grow in the higher elevations (there are some at 5,000 feet on the Blue Ridge Parkway), we have to be …

Spring Onion Fritata

A light and quick fritata is perfect for a spring brunch. Spring onions make the fritata come alive, while the combination of two different cheeses add sophistication to the otherwise humble egg dish. Blending eggs in the blender makes the dish lighter and airier, so relying on a whisk is not advised. Ingredients Olive Oil, for the pan 5 Thin Spring …

On the Verandah Hosts WNCAP

The Western North Carolina AIDS Project’s (WNCAP) 15th annual Dining Out for Life benefit will take place on April 27 in Asheville and the surrounding communities, including Highlands.  On the Verandah of Highlands has agreed to be one of the host restaurants. “Dining Out For Life is an opportunity for everyone in the community to come out and support the …

Rock the Guac!

A man of many talents and interests, the common thread through Billy Leonard’s life is education. He is on the board of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, has a ministry, he is writing a book, and now is a Certified Health Coach.  He and his wife Yen Ling, grow much of their own produce and their three daughters think it’s great …

How Long Do I Wait?

When I entered the wine business 26 years ago, I immediately found that people are looking for others that they think will have the capacity to appreciate and enjoy their older wine treasures.  Many assumed I would be a worthy candidate. Typically, I would be given a taste of a 30-35-year-old Bordeaux. The color was usually a brickish red and …

Rosé Has Its Day

The Release the Rosé Wine Dinner at the Farm at Old Edwards on April 14 is a welcome harbinger of spring, and one you won’t want to miss. There are many misconceptions about the much-maligned wine and you’ll receive a comprehensive education when Advanced Sommelier Nick Demos takes the floor.  Don’t worry, there will be no tests, just lots of …

Cupcake Queen

“Cupcakes are just a little gift that can brighten any day,” explains local chef Taylor Crawford. You could say that she’s come upon her talents naturally, but there’s plenty of trial and error in her background, and maybe a touch of magic. “I learned to cook from my mom, sometimes my great-grandmother. Just little things here and there,” she says. …