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25 Years of Carpe Diem

Here’s to the crazy ones.  The misfits.  The rebels.  The troublemakers.  The round pegs in the square holes.  The ones who see things differently.  They’re not fond of rules.  And they have no respect for the status quo.  You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.  About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.  Because …

Stone, Glass and Splendor

Traverse gently rolling hills through lush greenery as you climb skyward to this beautiful home, resting sublimely on one of the highest points of Highlands Country Club.   Throughout the home, you’ll enjoy stunning views of Whiteside, Shortoff, and Cowee Mountains and the mesmerizing vistas beyond. Relax and unwind as the gentle cooling breezes sing through the trees.  Built by …

Yoga Demystified

Positive daily habits improve well-being.  Yoga practitioners gather consistently across the country to learn positive practices that support well-being from the inside out.  From those 70-plus years in age who can stand on their heads, to children who are learning to be still and focus their minds, yoga’s influence is deep, healthful, and strengthens generations. Is yoga for everyone?  Yes.  …

Good Health – It Takes A Village!

Many years ago, I had a passion to help others with their health so I became a doctor!   Even after I received my degree, I held back from adamantly sharing my knowledge and beliefs.  The time has come for me to fully embrace my passion and my knowledge!  I am thirsty for even more education and even more than …

Our Mission : Excellent Health

Mission Community Primary Care at Highlands-Cashiers Hospital offers a variety of services to our area. Whether you choose to be seen in Highlands or in Cashiers, you will receive prompt and attentive care from one of their primary care providers. Bethany Applebome, PA, is one of those providers, and she sees patients in Cashiers.  Bethany studied at Duke University’s Physician …

That Something I Can Do

You really can’t tell how your kindness may ripple throughout the world. Certainly the twin communities of Highlands and Cashiers have thrived upon the ideas and deeds of a steadfast coterie of men and women. Consider the words of Dr. Edward Everett Hale: “I am only one, but still I am one.  I cannot do everything.  But I can do …

When Kannie Met the Preacher

Although John Roberts Zachary of Seneca, South Carolina, gave the speech at the first Zachary Family Reunion on August 28, 1909, another person actually wrote the speech. That was Kannie Zachary Marr, born 1856, the first-born child of Jonathan Zachary (son of Col. John A. Zachary and Sarah Roberts) and Eliza A. Jones. This Kannie, who had a younger relative …

Mink in the Mountains

No matter which side of the fashion fur fence you fall on (fur or against) mink, the animal, is an intriguing little beast. Mink live wild in the North Carolina mountains.  They are not as prevalent as populations in the coastal wetlands, but they are definitely part of our ecology.  Chances are you will never see one. They are small …

Pipevine Swallowtail

These common black butterflies are easily identified by the single C-shaped row of reddish-orange spots on the underside of the hindwing.  

Brown Thumbs Rejoice Highlands NC

Ahhh, winter. Days are short, nights are long, and we’re spending more time inside our winter cocoon. We’ve battened down the hatches, created warm and cozy spaces keeping our own confines, well…confined.     The air we breathe is filled with less oxygen and more carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and other toxic chemicals. In 1989, NASA and the ALCA (Association of …

Canvasbacks and Redheads

These two types of duck are similar in superficial ways but distinctly different upon close examination and study.   Both are North American species, although a few Canvasbacks, the largest American diving duck, have crossed the Atlantic and appeared in England.  The Canvasback − thya valisineria − owes its Latin name in part to a wild celery plant which is …

A Spoonful of Wow

What started out as an online search for homemade hot sauce has exploded into an obsession for Nathan Smith. He grows his own chilis and also purchases them from the Asheville Farmers Market since they’re difficult to find in grocery stores.  Dried chilis (found at Mexican groceries) can also be used after re-hydrating.  He makes several different sauces but shared …