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A Silver Celebration

Happy New Year!  2017 is an auspicious year for Carpe Diem Farms!  January 27 marks our twenty-fifth anniversary of becoming a 501©3 educational foundation.  It’s also the start of our fourth year marketing Easy’s Slipper, the therapeutic glue-on slipper developed, created and manufactured at the farm.  Because of the horses of Carpe Diem, the slippers are now helping horses around …

Observing Nature’s Lessons

This autumn, Western North Carolina came under an “exceptional drought” of historic proportions, and wildfires began tearing through our mountains and valleys. Historically speaking, fire once played an important role in our mountain forests.  The Cherokee and early settlers would burn areas for crops and to reduce the shrub density in forests, primarily in the valleys.  These low and relatively “cool” …

Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions goes sometime like this: “Starting now, this is the year I am going to lose weight and get into shape!”  To help you achieve that goal, there is a multi-billion-dollar industry out there anxious to separate you and your pocketbook, from gym memberships and equipment purchases, to shakes, supplements, and pills.  At the …

You Can Thank Ricky!

Ricky Siegel and his wife Helene own and operate 4 1/2 Street Inn in downtown Highlands.  You might think such an undertaking would leave time for little else.  You don’t know Ricky. “I’m slowing down now,” Siegel says.  “I volunteer on the Tourism Development Committee, the Highlands Cashiers Players Board of Directors, and the Highlands Greenway Board.”  When asked where he …

Check it Out… at the Library

When is the last time you actually visited the Hudson Library on Main Street in Highlands? The Hudson Library has been serving the Highlands community since it was established in 1884 and has continued to remain current and relevant, thanks to its dedicated staff. Jennifer Crowley took over as librarian from Mary Lou Worley in May 2014, and joins fellow …

Mind Your Health

Happy April from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Appalachian South. April is a beautiful time here in the mountains. It’s easy to be grateful this time of year, as we marvel at the magic of spring — things like the days getting longer and the grass getting taller. However, it’s equally as easy to be stressful this time of …

Literacy Volunteers Rock!

In 1974, President Richard Nixon signed the executive order establishing National Volunteer Week. Since then, every president has signed a proclamation promoting this event. Accordingly, April is national volunteer month and let me just say the Literacy Council has some of the best and brightest volunteers out there! From the time I began my career here almost five years ago, …

Start Something for a Child

It’s an exciting time to be part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Highlands and Cashiers. There are great Advisory Councils leading the route toward continued growth and financial stability, and most importantly, each year the councils discuss new ways to support the participating children. Last year, a pilot program was launched and three children (two from Highlands …

From Underdog to Champion

Until this year, I never had a name. This is my story. I am 2 ½ years old. I was chained to the bumper of a rusty, old abandoned truck for my entire life. My feet were  swollen and always in mud, and fleas crawled on me 24 hours a day. I have lost portions of both my ears due …

Compassion and Commitment

The Friends for Life Forever Farm has been housing and caring for senior and special needs animals for 10 years. Some of our dogs and cats have been fortunate enough to be adopted into loving homes despite their age or infirmity. But many animals have left this life having spent their last days in our care. And as time passes we …

Land Trust: McKinney Meadow

Conserving valuable land resources for all generations is the mission of Highlands-Cashiers Land Trust. Providing and managing greenspace is part of that mission and we are proud to contribute to the success of another very special public greenspace: McKinney Meadow in Cashiers. The McKinney Meadow is a 2.11-acre “mountain meadow” that marks the entrance to an historic tree-canopied corridor that is …

Dreams Do Come True

It may just be me, but it makes me a little nutty when I don’t get “the rest of the story.” It’s similar to reading a book and when you get to the last page the author leaves you excited for the sequel. Last August, I wrote an article about extraordinary woman, Jennifer Peterson from Minnesota. She’s a Ph.D, the …