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A Night to Remember

Champagne isn’t just for New Years anymore. Old Edwards Inn and Spa is on a mission to prove that Champagne can – and should – be enjoyed with dinner. A statement that is applied beyond the obligatory beginning toast. When done right, Champagne can pair expertly and deliciously with every course, raising its own beauty and that of the edibles. …

What’s in Store on the Forest Floor?

Each summer the Highlands Biological Station offers five-day workshops that provide  opportunities for in-depth study of special topics relevant to the southern Appalachian Mountain environment. Designed as experiential learning opportunities, participants spend most of the time outdoors immersed in the subject, where the mountains are our classroom. This summer there are more workshops tailored towards the community than ever before, …

Red-Spotted Purple Caterpillar

Full grown larvae are approximately 1.6 inches in length (Minno et al. 2005) The head is brown and fringed with short spines and has a cleft on top. The body is olive green to greenish brown with a pinkish white saddle and a white lateral line. There are a pair of long, thick, branched horns on top of the prothorax …

Brown-Headed Nuthatch

Audubon North Carolina has launched a campaign to install thousands of nest boxes across the state in order to encourage the brown-headed nuthatch to nest. The Highlands Plateau Audubon Society has started a similar project, but instead our program provides suitable nesting cavities for a range of cavity-nesting birds that we find in this area (nuthatches, chickadees, Carolina wren, house …

PAC is Packed in 2015

PAC is loaded with a theaterful of directorial, choreographic, and costuming genius as it launches the New Year with the spectacular Live in HD Series. First on the extraordinary roster, January 17 is Renee Fleming in “MET Opera: The Merry Widow,” a musical and visual masterpiece. Choreographer Susan Stroman (“The Producers”), designer Julian Crouch (“The Enchanted Island”) and costume designer …

Young Artist

The Bascom is proud to award The Young Artist of the Month for January 2015 to Sophie Biaso. Sophie, a seventh grader at Summit Charter School in Cashiers, began taking classes at The Bascom in the summer of 2014. Sophie has been interested in art since a very young age, and initially began watching YouTube tutorials for artistic instruction. Through …

Make Them Dance

When Mitchell Metz was five years old, his mom enrolled him in a Colorado Suzuki program and made playing violin part of their daily routine. It’s not easy holding a violin when you’re five years old. Heck,  it’s not easy holding a violin when  you’re 25. But Metz accepted the challenge and never looked back. “All my life I’ve been …

Snap-a-Scene and Win!

Julie Osborn has been taking photos around Highlands for years. Sometimes the shots are for her real estate sales. Often they are for chronicling her life. But much of the time snapping a scene or pet or event is purely for the aesthetic pleasure of capturing a moment in time. She says, “I enjoy shooting photos at home or as …

Another Top 100

Yes, it’s that time of year when the wine rags release their top 100 wines of almost last year.  Many of the wines that are rated were tasted almost a year ago, hence, as you order these wines you’re very likely to get a wine one or two vintages later than the wine that was rated, or in other words, …

It’s an Indiana Thing

Karin Potts loves to feed people and she attributes that to the influence of her mother, Louise Scott, who was fondly known as MoMo.  “Mom always made my favorite dish on my birthday and it was beef and dumplings every time,” she says. “She made it for my friends who loved it, and our home economics class even made it …

Winter Vitamin Salad

Winter is the time when we crave warm foods, like soups and casseroles.  Skimping on salads shouldn’t be the rule, however.  The Winter Vitamin Salad includes all the typical fruits and berries available in the winter.  It’s full of sweetness, tartness, flavor and Vitamin C.  It is very pretty, too.  If you don’t like the taste of goat cheese, use …

Savoring the Soul of Appalachia

Appalachia.  First of all, let’s get the pronunciation correct, shall we? According to legendary Appalachian storyteller, author, and musician Sheila Kay Adams, the proper pronunciation is “app uh latch uh.”  Don’t forget, because on February 24-26 Old Edwards Inn and Spa is celebrating Root Bound, an Appalachian immersion experience through music, food, and education.  Visiting farmers and chefs will gather …