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Brown Thrasher

This large songbird is common on the plateau in the summer and can be seen using its long bill to toss leaves while feeding undercover on insects. It is rufous above, streaked below and has a piercing yellow eye. The song is a variety of rich musical notes repeated two or three times with pauses between sets.


Ladybugs have been introduced from Asia by organic gardeners to be a biological control measure against aphids, mealy bugs, mites and other soft-bodied insects. In their native home, large numbers of lady bugs overwinter in mountains and craggy outcrops. Because North Carolina does not have the granite mountain features that the beetles seek to pass the winter, they are attracted …

Packrats, Nature’s Up-cyclers

On a recent green salamander expedition with North Carolina Wildlife Biologist Lori Williams, we uncovered a pack rat nest in a rocky outcropping. Lori admitted a fondness for packrats, a.k.a. wood rats. They’re docile little mountain critters that live in nests lined with leaves, grasses, twigs, and collected treasure and loot. “I was working with another biologist when we found a …

Booking the Old Course

As the owner of Toms Golf Tours, I’ve been booking the Old Course for groups for almost 20 years. No doubt it’s not easy to get on a course that has thousands of golfers trying every year, but there are three different ways.  It is not as difficult as you may think. The Ballot (Lottery)  There’s no guarantee with this …

An Avian Gem

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) is an avian gem of the forest and field. The bright green crown and back as well as the male’s ruby red throat are iridescent, changing colors with changing light and movement. Its movement is unique in the avian world. With wingbeats of over 50 per second, it can reach dizzying speeds, start and stop …

Grits, Gravy & Shrimp

Mary Adair Leslie, Executive Director of the Martin Lipscomb Performing Arts Center, is the consummate hostess.  Her dinner parties are glorious.  It takes planning, vision, and most importantly, a great love of people.   She grew up in Oklahoma where she majored in ballet and her creative talents take many forms.  Cooking is just one way Mary Adair expresses herself.  …

A Bang-Up Breakfast

As we celebrate our freedom on Independence Day, let’s remember that in this great nation everyone deserves to be free… free from worry about a very basic right, food. That’s why Fishes and Loaves invites one and all to their Big Ol’ Country Breakfast. Not only will attendees have the best breakfast ever, their donations will help the hungry get …

Getting Carry’d Away

Holly Roberts began her cooking career right out of college.  After living in Boston, Washington DC, and Atlanta, she moved to Highlands in 1996 with her two young sons, helping to open the Rosewood Market with Donna Woods and Marty Rosenfield,the former owners of Lakeside Restaurant. In 2000, Holly went out on her own as a private chef, calling her business …

Summer’s Juicy Fruity Salad

Seasonal fruit makes salads more refreshing and full of life, as the salads explode in flavor and in color.  The juicy, succulent fruit in this salad recipe makes you forget the veggies that are also in there.  Considering the fact that this fruity salad is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, multiple vitamins and folic acid, it’s a great, quick dish …

Pan-filled Passion

Sometimes creativity lies dormant until it is awakened when least expected. Chef Andrew Figel of On the Verandah grew up in Miami, attended college there, and moved to Highlands at age 20. His father Alan and stepmother Marta moved to Highlands in 1975 in search of a less stressful and quieter lifestyle than that of Miami. Alan had always had …

Be Cool

I drink nearly as much white wine as red.  When I order a white wine I am almost disappointed, as the wine is delivered at a temperature just above freezing. At this temperature I can hardly evaluate the wine as there are no aromatics and the flavor is muted at best. I understand why this happens. More often than not people …

Wine and Dine at Canyon Kitchen

On Wednesday, July 13, Sonoma County Vintner Guy Davis will join Canyon Kitchen’s Executive Chef Adam Hayes for a lively evening of wine and food pairings at Lonesome Valley’s Canyon Kitchen. True to its history and agrarian roots, Lonesome Valley’s Canyon Kitchen offers an extraordinary connection to food that both sustains and delights the senses.  Massive oak beams define the …