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Catapult, A Special Event | Highlands Performing Arts Center

The Highlands Performing Arts Center will present Catapult (America’s Got Talent Finalists) on Saturday, January 27 at 7:30pm.

Church of Good Shepherd Completes Purchase of Bazaar Barn Property

“This investment of faith in the Bazaar Barn is a direct reflection of the church’s mission to ‘reflect God’s love through our faith in action.’”

Highlands-Cashiers Hospital Donates to Local Food Pantries

Highlands-Cashiers Hospital’s timely gift makes Christmas a bit brighter for a pair of nonprofits and promises good things for 2024.

Old Edwards Hospitality Group’s 2023 Christmas Around the World Celebration

A happy celebration at Old Edwards Inn and Spa reminds its young audience that Christmas is meant for the entire world.

Carolina Cruiser

US Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC11) pays a call to the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce to meet with Southern Jackson constituents and discuss vital issues.

A Need For Collective Efforts

Who’s thinking of the kids? The Highlands Chamber of Commerce/Visit Highlands, NC, that’s who. And they have some definite ideas about early childhood education.

Coming Full Circle

A kind community and the compassionate staff at the Cashiers-Highlands Humane Society have ensured that brave Axe enjoys his retirement from law enforcement.

44 Years of Scholars

Powered by a generous church and a community’s commitment to education, the Conkle-Rowe Scholarship has enriched the opportunities of worthy young minds.

New and Improved

A mid-winter disaster brings a summertime renewal at the Peggy Crosby Center.

32 Years of Serving

For Lora Speed-Beegle, serving her community’s health needs is just what the doctor ordered.

In The Name of Adventure

Laura and Alastair Lamont’s enduring mission is to share the magic and mystery that’s Africa. For more information about enjoying a faraway adventure, or one right here on the Plateau, visit africaawaits.com.

The Incredible Battersea Tracy

Beloved Battersea Tracy, who brought unbridled joy to the residents and friends of Carpe Diem Farms, is finally at peace.