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Magazine Issue


What’s in Your DNA History?

Many of my genealogy/history friends in the last few years have paid to get their DNA Ethnicity Estimates done and all have been fascinated by the results.  There are only a handful of companies that do this testing, including Ancestry.com and what you learn is your ethnic origins and where your ancestors once lived – no names or dates.  You …

High Knoll Majesty

Imagine looking out your front door every day at this breath-taking view. What a rush to live in a virtual Kodak moment every minute of your life. That’s why the Ammons family chose to build their home in Whiteside Cove in 1948.  They wanted to bask in the grandeur of this heavenly location. For them, this site epitomized the beauty …

June Is Bird Month

June is the official Great Outdoor Month in the U.S. while in the U.K. it’s National Smile Month.  June holds Bike Week in the U.K. and Ireland and Labor Day in the Bahamas.   In Hungary there’s a Teacher’s Day in June.  Father’s Day falls in this month in Austria and Belgium and scores of other countries including the U.S.  …

Bye-bye, Chips and Yips

Nothing is more exasperating than hitting a couple of quality shots on a par 4 or 5 near the green and ruin the hole by blading or shanking your chip. Don’t get too bummed out, this is a very common occurrence for golfers of all skill levels, from weekend duffers to touring pros.  Even Tiger bladed a few in a …

Greens on Your Grounds

You don’t really know how fragile amphibian/reptilian habitat is until you crawl around shaded, moist, rocky crevices that serve as mini creature caves… salamander condominiums.  If the trees that shelter this biological Eden die or, worse yet, are cut down simply to improve someone’s real estate view, there goes the colony, and along with it, all the plants and animals …

Louisiana Waterthrush

(Parkesia motacilla) This surprising warbler frequents forest streams during the spring and summer in Appalachia. It sports a white eyebrow, “buffy flanks, and sparse brownish streaking on white underparts.”  Its call is a sharp “chip” and its song is loud two to five descending whistles followed by a jumble of notes.  

Pipevine Swallowtail

Pipevine caterpillars, are small and stick together when they are first born. They eat the leaves of their host plant and grow quickly. Plants in the Pipevine Family have chemicals in them which are poisonous to most animals. Caterpillars are able to eat them without being harmed. In fact, the chemicals stay inside the caterpillars and make them poisonous to …

The Lush Ligularia

I had never heard of these plants until a few years ago, and to be quite honest, I wasn’t sure it was a plant I thought I’d want in my “garden.”   I use the term garden loosely – when someone refers to their garden, and they mean perennial flower garden, most envision an English country garden, whereas mine is a …

Climbing Whiteside

Towering 4,930 feet above sea level, Whiteside Mountain has fascinated those living within reach of its peak for hundreds of years and with the magnificent scenery this incredible mountain offers there’s no sign of that stopping any time in the near future.   There are several legends as well as impressive acts of heroism that allude to the dangers of …

Survival of The Fittest

As I finished this season of wine trade shows, I noticed something quite pleasing. I encountered very few poorly made wines.  In previous years I would get together with friends after a trade show and discuss the best and worst of show. Today, entry level wines are respectable and drinkable. During the last few years, the market has been steadily …

Your Change Changes A Life

The Scaly Mountain Women’s Club is now running in full gear and ready to launch its big events.  Most of the 93 members are gathered back in the area.  These hard-working women are already in action, donating much of their time raising money for their Scholarship Fund and various other community charities.  The first charity launch of 2016 is the …

Canyon Kitchen’s Chef Adam

I have always believed that to do something well you must have passion.  It was evident when interviewing Executive Chef Adam Hayes that his passion for food and wine is real! I asked one question and was enthralled for an hour and a half! This handsome and young chef was catapulted into his culinary career by his girlfriend, Ashley, (who later …