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A Carolina Collaboration at Carolina Gallery

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The Carolina Gallery of Fine Art in Highlands is proud to open its 2018 season with a showing of spectacular artwork created by upper classmen, graduate students, and faculty of the Western Carolina University School of Art and Design. The show promises to be electrifying. It spotlights up-and-coming artists alongside well-known regional artists who share not only their talent, but also their exceptional skills as fine art instructors.
In addition to celebrating the Spring season with Western’s innovative, spell-binding pieces, the Carolina Gallery of Fine Art will feature artwork of accomplished regional and local artists, established names you will recognize as well as talented newcomers.
On docket is a minimum of 3 annual, juried theme-shows, designed to stimulate, inspire, and stretch the talents of fine artists residing in our culturally-conscious region. Get your brush
on, painters!
Include monthly openings and weekly happenings such as Poetry Night, demonstrations, book signings, and lectures in your art outings. Add to that workshops and classes offered by visiting and gallery instructors.
The Carolina Gallery is located at the corner of North Fourth Street and Carolina Way, the upper level of the Mountain Brook Center.
The School of Art and Design’s Show will open on April 2 and run through April 30. Attend the reception for students and faculty, Saturday, April 14, from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. The public is welcome and admission is free. For more information, call (828) 526-3705 or visit online at www.carolinagallery.art.
You are invited to read about three select exhibitors − one upper classman, one graduate student, and one faculty member in a companion article in this issue. There’s nothing finer than a Carolina collaboration. Carolina Gallery and Western Carolina artists is a double billing you don’t want to miss.