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A Christmas Tradition | Mountain Theatre Company

Written By: Luke Osteen | Issue: November 2023
Mountain Theatre Company brings back its lavish holiday revue Highlands Home for the Holidays: A Christmas Tradition, December 8-24 at Highlands Performing Arts Center. Reservations are a must – visit mountaintheatre.com.
Here’s what I wrote last year, still basking in the afterglow of attending Mountain Theatre Company’s Christmas Revue, Highlands Home for the Holidays: A Christmas Tradition:
“I’m so confident that you’ll emerge from the Playhouse with a measure of giddiness equal to or exceeding that displayed by Mr. Scrooge on that fateful Christmas Morning that I, Luke Osteen, will buy you a cup of coffee and pastry of your choice if your heart hasn’t grown by three sizes.”
My bravura paid off – the show was a sell-out, meaning that it was taken in by hundreds of holiday revelers and no one, no one, tried to cadge a cup of coffee from me.
That’s testament to Writer/Director Scott Daniel’s confident staging and unerring instinct for unalloyed holiday cheer.
And it’s why I’m making the same bold promise for the 2023 incarnation of this giddy bit of Holiday Fizz – Highlands Home for the Holidays: A Christmas Tradition, set for December 8-24.
Daniel promises that this new version of his hit show will be even more spectacular. That’s good news for anyone who remembers those old Andy Williams Christmas Specials and the panache and technical proficiency of a Vegas Revue.
Here’s what I wrote about last year’s show, and allow your imagination to conjure whatever Daniel must have up his sleeve:
“Scott Daniel delivers a relentlessly upbeat (you should see what happens when David Tanciar momentarily halts the effervescence with a moody Blue Christmas) confection that’s giddy with elfin goodness.
“Standouts include Alyson Snyder slinking through Santa Baby channeling Marilyn Monroe at her most scintillating; Sam Alan Johnson who somehow out-wickeds the legendary Thurl Ravenscroft with his extra-creepy version of “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch”; Lori Nielsen’s profound “We Are Lights,” a paean to understanding (and an unimpeachable plea for treating one another with kindness in this sad, embittered age); “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” (delivered with off-the-wall exuberance by Holly Wilder); Erin Leigh Knowles’ exuberant “Sleigh Ride”; and Emanuel Carrero’s astonishing “O Holy Night.”
Reservations are essential – this show’s going to sell out in a hurry.