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A Darn Good Yarn | Artist Mary Catherine English
Written By: Donna Rhodes | Issue: 2020/10 - October
Mary Catherine English says she’s a Late Bloomer. Most folks say she’s anything but.
At 50, Cathy reinvented herself, going back to college to get a teaching degree. After graduation, she taught eighth and ninth grades until retirement (seven years ago). Still teaching driving, she’s hardly retired, but she’s just one of those energetic folks who can’t not be working.
Always in search of her next adventure, she welcomed another reinvention. She took up crocheting, adding that skill to sewing, cross-stitching, and related fiber arts. It was when the shop owner tried to teach her how to read crochet instructions, she said, “Oh, look! Shiny object!”
Not exactly. Her shiny object was the floor loom sitting across the room, a welcome distraction from [puff st in ch-1] … don’t ask. Being a kinesthetic soul, the loom’s feel, the sound, the movement, the brush of soft fibers against her skin grabbed her by the wrists and never turned loose.
Today you can find her most Saturdays at Highlands Marketplace, Kelsey-Hutchinson Founders Park, sporting her beautiful handwoven wares: long, comfortable, lightweight scarves, all-cotton towels, neck-towels (one-of-a-kind neck boas), placemats, and more.
She uses natural fibers, sometimes designed to match colorful cloth for her popular, functional boas. At each end of a fashionable fabric she stitches a color-coordinated handwoven towel. Draped around the neck of anyone cooking, cleaning, gardening, this handy towel is right at his/her fingertips.
The towels are made from high-quality cotton grown and processed in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. It’s supremely soft, durable, machine-washable, and practically lint-free.
Think of the possibilities for holiday gifts.
Think quickly, though! Commissioned pieces are in high demand. She ships within the United States and charges no handling fees, only postage. Get your pure products, quality-crafted locally with TLC.
Stop by and see Cathy (Mary Catherine’s Weaving) at the Marketplace. If you’re a long-time area resident you may recognize her from her summer jobs at Stone Lantern in the late 60s. It’s time to meet the legend! For fun, ask the girl terrified of heights about her one and only parachute drop!
You can reach her by email, mcweavings@gmail.com, or see her at the Marketplace.