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Fall Colors Fine Art Show
Written By: Donna Rhodes | Issue: October 2024
The Art League of Highlands-Cashiers closes out its event-laden 2024 season with the Fall Colors Art Show, October 19-20 at the Highlands Civic Center.
Autumn is springtime in reverse. Spring, colors enter. Autumn, colors exit. Leaf colors are borrowed from last spring’s blossoms.
It’s your last chance to snap up all the color you can, October 19-20 from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. See all those magnificent colors splashed and brushed across canvas, jewelry, paper, wood, glass, pottery, textile, and photographs. Mother Nature is sharing her best with some of the finest artists in the region.
See this fabulous juried showing inside the Highlands Civic Center, rain or shine. Because this is an indoor show, you don’t have to worry about the weather. Plenty of parking, plenty to see, plenty of fun. Grab your spouse, your family, your neighbor and join the crowds. Fill your maximum monthly requirement of fine art and craft before there’s frost (and snow) on the pumpkin.
The best news is you get first dibs on holiday gifts for the upcoming season. All the purchases in big department stores are one-of-many. The Art League’s Fall Color Art Show guarantees only one-of-a-kind.
Zach Claxton is the show’s organizer, and he says, “Last year was a record show and we expect to break that record in 2024. As you enter the show (free attendance), pick up a trifold listing all the vendors and their booth locations. Find your favorite and make your choices.”
As always, downtown will be busy. For those who want a little exercise, it is a relatively short stroll down Fourth Street from Main to the Civic Center (Rec Park). But, if you think you may be leaving with some fine art (a strong possibility), you may want to drive.
However you get to the show, you won’t be disappointed. Several new artists, along with veteran exhibitors look forward to meeting you. Sponsored by the Art League of Highlands-Cashiers, this is one of only a few shows in the area that features fine art. See you there!
Contact Zach for more information about show details at zachclaxton@aol.com.