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Folk Artist Jim Gary Phillips

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2018/07 - July
As a child, Jim Gary Phillips’ family faced tough financial times. He was never encouraged to paint or draw; no one taught him about art appreciation, color theory, or visual composition; all of these discoveries were purely of his own making. Those tough times continued on into his adulthood with Jim Gary working a variety of jobs, and often, several at a time to provide for his family, and again, leaving no time for art.
After his children were grown, and life had settled down, Jim Gary and his wife Norma Jean began to travel around western Kentucky. On one of these trips, Jim Gary stumbled upon a gallery where he encountered the work of another Kentuckian, well-known woodcarver Minnie Adkins. This is when greatness inspired greatness. He wanted to buy one of Minnie’s carvings, but he could not justify the purchase. Instead, Jim Gary bought some acrylic paints and brushes, and he set out to create a painting of Minnie’s carving that had so inspired him. He caught the painting fever and continued to paint until he found his own vision.
Like most folk artists, he paints scenes close to his heart – local landscapes and animals, childhood memories, patriotic and political pieces, and a multitude of religious works, straight out of a Sunday sermon. Most paintings include an accompanying narrative, words written so small that Jim Gary hovers closely over the board at his country kitchen table as he composes. His work has two distinguishing features; one, he often incorporates, on his paintings, the lyrics of the bluegrass music he loves so much. The other feature is painting on wooden cabinets doors, which creates a natural frame; these “frames” are often embellished with designs painted with his fingertips.
Jim Gary Phillips continues to paint today, and his themes run from poignant to playful, enriched with the bright, bold colors of the palette. Around Back at Rocky’s Place has the honor of carrying his work, with many of his signature pieces on display. Stop by the gallery or visit the website (aroundbackatrockysplace.com) and begin your very own Jim Gary Phillips collection.