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Our Field of Vision

Written By: Bonnie Potts | Issue: 2016/03 - March
The Bascom has teamed up with local photographer and avid conservationist Kevin Fitzpatrick to provide a week of interdisciplinary study with Highlands School’s art program.
This partnership is part of an ongoing relationship between The Bascom and Highlands School’s art department, where high school students visit The Bascom’s campus to receive supplementary instruction from visiting artists. The students study a variety of mediums including ceramics, photography and textile arts, entirely free of cost.
Last semester, Highlands High School students worked with The Bascom’s Ceramics Resident Artist, Samantha Oliver, studying ceramics’ hand-building and wheel throwing techniques. For the current semester, they’re working with Fitzpatrick to learn about the important relationship between photography and science. And in April, the students will study with visiting artist Charles Gandy, as part of his upcoming exhibition “Beyond the Sock.”
“Kevin Fitzpatrick has generously volunteered his time to work with these students, sharing his passion for the environment, conservation, and photography. It is important for students to understand that the arts apply to many disciplines, including science, and that opportunities to utilize their creative talents in a professional setting exist in unexpected fields” says Billy Love, Education Manager at The Bascom.
The current photography program with Fitzpatrick is part of a larger initiative to help encourage future photographers and scientists to participate in an upcoming Bioblitz to be held in Highlands in June. Bioblitzes are community events that focus on scientific data collection of species in a given area. They bring together community members, scientists, and photographers to achieve the common goal of expanding our knowledge of the natural diversity that exists in our local communities.