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Painting His Roots, Folk artist Johnny McBrayer

Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2018/04 - April
Success story?
Yes, how often is one born in a small, rural county to then go on and work an administrative position at a major corporation, while also becoming known as a respected artist in the folk art community?
This scenario happened to Johnny McBrayer, a.k.a. Blue J. Johnny was named and called Blue J. by his brother as they were growing up in rural Dawson County, Georgia. At that time, there was no Georgia 400, and to the people in Atlanta, Dawsonville was a foreign land, tucked away in the foothills of the North Georgia mountains, and the beginning, or ending, of the Appalachian Trail, depending on your journey.
After putzing around the two-lane dirt roads, Johnny made his way to Dahlonega and North Georgia College, studying and graduating with a degree in business. Going to college back then, and coming from such a rural community, was a rarity, and it helped land Johnny a job with Tyson Foods, well-known for its chicken production. Given his benevolent demeanor, Johnny worked himself into the position of Human Resources Director. His soft-spoken, easy-going self was a shoe-in for this type of work. Let it be noted that he did not make this journey alone. Along the way, he married and had two children, a son and a daughter.
So how does a guy with a degree in business and years of corporate experience become a well-known folk artist?
Easy…by chance. When Johnny was 50, and on a family trip to Mexico, he took notice of a local man painting at a resort; he couldn’t take his eyes off the artist as he painted. Johnny will tell you that, “I never painted before that,” but so inspired by this artist, that when he returned home, he quickly purchased brushes and paint, and went to town painting. Some of his first works were coastal/ocean-themed murals for his Florida getaway, but he soon learned that his audience favored his pieces with subjects more well known in North Georgia. His patrons can’t get enough of his rustic barns with the well-worn tin roofs, in part, we suppose, because those can still be found on the rural backroads of his upbringing.
Also popular are his birds, especially the cardinals and bluebirds in the birch trees. Even though these subjects comprise a large amount of Blue J.’s collection at Around Back at Rocky’s Place, other subjects may be found as well. In addition to these art pieces, the gallery also shows work by Blue J.’s wife, Sandra McBrayer, known as Mimi Kat. In the past couple of years, the couple would steal moments out of their busy lives of work, children, and grandchildren to paint together. Those moments will hopefully be more plentiful as Johnny, now 67, has just retired from the corporate world…no more day job! Be on the lookout and watch out world as there is no telling what Blue J. will paint next!
Contact aroundbackatrockysplace.com. It’s located at 3631 Hwy. 53 E at Etowah River Rd. in Dawsonville, Georgia. You can also call (706) 265-6030