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Painting with Yarn
Written By: - NONE - | Issue: 2019/07 - July
Keith Parmer was born and raised in LaGrange, Georgia, and his father was one of the brothers of Parmer Brothers’ Grocery, a well-known family owned and operated grocery store, in business for over 65 years.
Keith began helping out at the family business when he was eight years old and worked every other day until he graduated from high school and went off to college. He realized at an early age that he did not want to be in the grocery store business. After graduating from college, he became a banker by profession. Keith and his wife, Ellen, have two children.
Keith is an avid collector of folk art and has collected for many years. His folk art collection consists of paintings, carvings, Noah’s Arks, face jugs, pottery, furniture, and accessories to name a few, from artists throughout the country.
Although he has had no formal art training other than art classes in high school, he has always enjoyed attempting to create artwork. Three years ago, he became serious about it. Drawing on the inspiration of yarn artist Annie Greene, the medium he works with is yarn and embroidery thread that’s cut and glued, one strand at a time.
The end result is what is known as yarn painting. Yarn painting is literally what it sounds like, paintings made out of yarn. His artwork consists mostly of creating patriotic themes of flags and Uncle Sam’s, cowboy boots, and foxes and guineas.
As Keith has just recently retired after 40 years in banking, he has much more time to work on his yarn masterpieces. Stop by the gallery, Around Back at Rocky’s Place, to see these pieces live and in person, or check the website at aroundbackatrockysplace.com. Gallery hours are Saturdays, 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; and Sundays from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. The gallery is located at 3631 Highway 53 East at Etowah River Road in Dawsonville, Georgia. For more information, call (706) 265-6030.