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Pure Alchemy of Leslie Jeffery

Written By: Donna Rhodes | Issue: August 2023
For Leslie Jeffery, her life and her art are part of an endless process of discovery and innovation.
Leslie Jeffery lives-for and loves-to paint. Connecting with people who are drawn to her work stokes her creative fires. You can sense her imagination smoldering, burning, then exploding in her brush strokes of her abstract paintings. Sometimes she tells the paint what to do.
Other times her Muse dictates her designs. But no matter how the wind blows and paint flows, she confesses, “I’m pleased when my paintings sell – and I hate to see them go.”
Since her last Laurel interview, among a host of other activities, Leslie has shown at The Bascom, designed a painting for the Highlands Garden Club Plant Sale Raffle (her third year to do so), and has productively exhibited at Ann Lea Fine Art Gallery. She is 2023 Artist for The Highlands/Cashiers Chamber Music Festival and created the painting for this year’s program, posters and advertising. She is esteemed by the Chamber which recently acquired a Jeffery for their permanent collection.
She’s also experimenting with painting on plexiglass. It’s not as easy as it might sound. Instead of laying down background, middle ground, and foreground, then begin detailing, one must think backwards … paint in reverse. Details go in first and all else in opposite order.
If your brain is now twitching, then you are beginning to grasp the conundrum. As if that weren’t enough, Leslie works with acrylics which dry fast which suits her painting style. She works methodically, consistently, and is extremely prolific.
When asked if she uses current events, themes, music, etc. as inspiration, she replies, “Yes, all of those. I like painting large. It’s more of a thrill. I never know what will happen. I stand in front of a canvas and pick a palette. I love the excitement of not knowing. Sometimes I have a well-defined idea, but usually I just start.” For this reason, she rarely does commission work. She loves freedom and trusts her experience and tried-and-true process to fill her canvas with vibrant invention.
While she has a long history of art studies, she spent many years as a real estate agent, back-and-forth between Florida and Highlands. It’s only the past 15 years she has devoted all her days to painting. She’s one of those gifted artists who, with age, turns paint into pure gold.
See her work at The Bascom’s Member’s Show through August. Stop in 4118 Kitchen + Bar in Bryson Center and enjoy 15 of Leslie’s current works (changed out twice a year). Ann Lea Gallery exhibits Leslie’s fine art. Online, visit her website, LeslieJeffery.ART. After taking in all her contributions to galleries, restaurants, and the worldwide web, you’ll understand the pure Alchemy of Leslie Jeffery.